Publications and Reports

Books and Edited Collections

  1. Domain Engineering: Product Lines, Languages and Conceptual Models. Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Arnon Sturm, Tony Clark, Shalom Cohen, Jorn Bettin. Springer, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-36653-6 (Print) 978-3-642-36654-3 (Online).
                    Engineering Book Cover
    Domain engineering is a set of activities intended to develop, maintain, and manage the creation and evolution of an area of knowledge suitable for processing by a range of software systems.  It is of considerable practical significance, as it provides methods and techniques that help reduce time-to-market, development costs, and project risks on one hand, and helps improve system quality and performance on a consistent basis on the other. In this book, the editors present a collection of invited chapters from various fields related to domain engineering. The individual chapters present state-of-the-art research and are organized in three parts. The first part focuses on results that deal with domain engineering in software product lines. The second part describes how domain-specific languages are used to support the construction and deployment of domains. Finally, the third part presents contributions dealing with domain engineering within the field of conceptual modeling.  
  1. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 14th International Conference, MODELS 2011, Wellington, New Zealand, October 16-21, 2011, Proceedings, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6981, Whittle, Jon; Clark, Tony; Kühne, Thomas (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2011, XVIII, 726 p.

    Models 2011 Front Page
    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2011, held in Wellington, New Zealand, in October 2011. The papers address a wide range of topics in research (foundations track) and practice (applications track). For the first time a new category of research papers, vision papers, are included presenting "outside the box" thinking. The papers are organized in topical sections on model transformation, model complexity, aspect oriented modeling, analysis and comprehension of models, domain specific modeling, models for embedded systems, model synchronization, model based resource management, analysis of class diagrams, verification and validation, refactoring models, modeling visions, logics and modeling, development methods, and model integration and collaboration.

  2. Applied Metamodelling: A Foundation for Language Driven Development. Second Edition, Feb 2008. Tony Clark, P. Sammut and J. Willans. (161 Google Scholar citations)
    Applied Metamodelling Book The motivation behind XMF was to develop a technology that would support a language driven approach to modelling and system development. Our starting point was that UML was not sufficiently flexible and in order to address this we designed an executable meta-language. This book describes the approach and provides an introduction to the key technologies: meta-models, language definition and mappings. The book concludes with a number of worked examples.

  3. Superlanguages: Developing Languages and Applications with XMF. First Edition, March 2008. Tony Clark, P. Sammut, J. Willans.
    Superlanguages Book This book provides an extensive description of the XMF technology. The Applied Metamodelling book introduces the field and provides an overview of the methodology. The Superlanguages book describes the underlying technology in detail. It defines the language used by XMF, how to use grammars for language definition and provides many complete worked examples.

  4. Object Modeling with the OCL - The Rationale behind the Object Constraint Language. Tony Clark, J. Warmer (eds). LNCS vol. 2263. 2002.
    OCL Book Jos Warmer and I produced this collection of papers by key authors in the field. The collection contains the original Amsterdam Manifesto that started the OCL movement.

  5. Proceedings of the Workshop on Expressing and Reasoning about Constraints in UML. Tony Clark, S. Kent and J. Warmer (eds). March 2000. University of Kent.

  6. Proceedings of UML 2.0 - The Future of the UML Object Constraint Language (OCL). Tony Clark, J Warmer (eds). Workshop at UML 2000 - The Unified Modeling Language. Advancing the Standard. Third International Conference, York, UK, October 2000
  7. Proceedings of the third Rigorous Object-Oriented Methods Workshop (ROOM3). Tony Clark, A. Evans, K. Lano (eds). BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing, ISBN: 1-902505-38-7, January 2000. York.

  8. Proceedings of the Third Northern Formal Methods Workshop. A. Evans, D. Duke, Tony Clark (eds). BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing, 1998.


Chapters in Books

  1. Domain Engineering for Software Tools. Tony Clark, Balbir S. Barn. In Domain Engineering: Product Lines, Languages, and Conceptual Models. Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Arnon Sturm, Tony Clark, Shalom Cohen, Jorn Bettin. pp 187 - 210.

    General purpose software engineering tools are expensive to develop and maintain, and often difficult to learn and use. Domain-specific tools tend to be small, focussed and easier to learn; however, domain-specific tooling tends to be technology specific and therefore introduces interoperability problems. This chapter provides a contribution to DSL tool development by describing a language-driven approach to domain engineering whereby a tool is modelled in terms of the syntax and semantics of the language it supports. This chapter uses UML to define a simple class modelling language and its tooling.

  2. Preface: Introduction to Domain Engineering: Product Lines, Languages, and Conceptual Models. Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Arnon Sturm, Tony Clark, Shalom Cohen, Jorn Bettin. v - xiii. Springer, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-36653-6 (Print) 978-3-642-36654-3 (Online).

  3. A Model-Based Approach to Aligning Business Goals with Enterprise Architecture. Tony Clark, Balbir Barn. In Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software Engineering Vicente García Díaz, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle, B. Cristina Pelayo García-Bustelo and Oscar Sanjuán Martínez (eds.). IGI Global, 2013.
    Chapter Abstract: Modern organizations need to address increasingly complex challenges including how to represent and maintain their business goals using technologies and IT platforms that change on a regular basis. This has led to the development of modelling notations for expressing various aspects of an organization with a view to reducing complexity, increasing technology independence, and supporting analysis. Many of these Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling notations provide a large number of concepts that support the business analysis but lack precise definitions necessary to perform computer-supported organizational analysis. This chapter reviews the current EA modelling landscape and proposes a simple language for the practical support of EA simulation including business alignment in terms of executing a collection of goals against prototype execution.

    Book Abstract: Users increasingly demand more from their software than ever before—more features, fewer errors, faster runtimes. To deliver the best quality products possible, software engineers are constantly in the process of employing novel tools in developing the latest software applications. Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software Engineering investigates the most recent and relevant research on model-driven engineering. Within its pages, researchers and professionals in the field of software development, as well as academics and students of computer science, will find an up-to-date discussion of scientific literature on the topic, identifying opportunities and advantages, and complexities and challenges, inherent in the future of software engineering.

  4. Software Language Engineering with XMF and XModeler. Tony Clark and James Willans.  In  Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments, Marjan Mernik (ed). IGI Global, 2013. 1-677. Web. 9 Oct. 2012. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2092-6.
    Formal and Practial Aspects of
                      Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments
    Chapter Abstract: XMF and XModeler are presented as technologies that have been specifically designed for Software Language Engineering. XMF provides a meta-circular, extensible platform for DSL denition based on syntax-classes that extend object-oriented classes with composable grammars. XModeler is a development environment built on top of XMF that provides an extensible client-based architecture for developing DSL tools.

    Book Abstract: Computer languages are a programmer’s basic tool and they play an essential role in computer science in which they specify computations which need to be performed as well as intended behavior of a system. Domain-Specific Language (DSL) is a particular computer programming language used to address a particular problem domain, representation technique, and solution technique.

    Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments is a collection of academic works containing current research on all aspects of domain-specific language. This book is a comprehensive overview in the computer language field and aims to be essential for scholars and practitioners in the software engineering fields by providing new results and answers to open problems in DSL research.

  5. A Meta-Model Facility for a Family of UML Constraint Languages. Tony Clark, A. Evans, S. Kent. In Advances in Object Modelling with the OCL. Tony Clark, Jos Warmer (eds.), Springer Verlag, LNCS 2263. March 2002.

    With the move towards UML becoming a family of modelling languages, there is a need to view the Object Constraint Language in the same light. The aim of this paper is to identify a meta-modelling facility that encompasses the specification of the semantics of a family of object constraint languages. This facility defines a common set of model concepts, semantic domain concepts and semantic mappings that can be conveniently reused when constructing new family members.

  6. The Knowledge Based Programmer's Assistant Revisited : Representation, Reasoning and Review (Esprit project 32). Gavin Oddy, Kevin Poulter, Tony Clark. ESPRIT '86 Results and Achievements. North-Holland 1987.

    The Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE) was one of the first ESPRIT projects and was the first project I worked on after graduating. The PCTE was a kind of operating system that supported an object-oriented style of file-system (graph rather than tree shaped). The Knowledge Based Programmer's Assistant (KBPA) was a system that used program templates to transform a high-level specification of a program into code. Since the various features of the KBPA were highly structured, this was a good case study for the PCTE. As far as I recall, this was done on SUN 1 workstations and took several minutes to generate a simple sorting procedure in Ada. This paper reviews the project.


Journal Special Issues

  1. Model-Driven Development Stephen Mellor, Tony Clark, T. Futagami (eds). IEEE Software, vol 20, issue 5, Sep - Oct 2003. (326 Google Scholar Citations)