- Domain Specific Languages and Software Frameworks
- Example Application
- Abstract Syntax
- Implementation
- Concrete Syntax
- Conclusion
Domain Specific Languages and Software Frameworks
Domain Specific Languages are increasingly popular as a technology and an approach to constructing applications. The idea is that a specific aspect of an application can be supported through the design and use of a language. The language may be used to configure parts of the application, to describe the GUI, to encode processing rules etc. Proponents of DSLs claim that, since the language abstracts away from the implementation details of the code otherwise necessary to achieve the same effect, the overall quality of the process and product is increased. The aspect supported by the DSL is easier to implement, the development is less error prone (since the language is specifically designed to support the task), the debugging and maintenance of the application is easier.A Software Framework is a collection of classes that capture a design pattern or an aspect of an application. The key feature of a software framework is that it represents a reusable component where some of the features of the framework are fixed in structure and behaviour and some are left open to extension by the user. A framework differs from a more traditional software library in that the user provides the framework with the implementation of services that the framework calls. In a software library this works the other way round where the user calls services provided by the library (the so-called Inversion of Control). There are many examples of large scale general purpose software frameworks, such as Eclipse, but many packages provided for OO languages can be thought of as frameworks. Frameworks are also an architectural design pattern.
Domain specific languages usually (but not always) do something. To achieve this, the language has a semantics (a description of how it should operate) and some means of implementing the semantics - a DSL engine. The DSL engine is supplied with a representation of programs in the DSL. This program-as-data is then processed by the engine to achieve the required task.
A DSL engine is exactly the same as a Software Framework. The engine expects to be supplied with an implementation of a specific collection of services implemented as data. The task of the framework is to perform some standard, albeit domain specific, processing which uses the services supplied as DSL programs when appropriate.
It is a fact of Software Engineering that anything you can implement in program code, you can also implement in data with an associated engine that processes the data. This is exactly the relationship between Software Frameworks and DSLs. But why would you implement the services as data rather than implement them directly as program code (for example as an implementation of an abstract method or an interface)?
The answer is fundamentally an issue of quality. By pushing more of the framework services into data, the framework increases its level of control - nothing can escape! Therefore the more the framework matures, the higher the quality of the applications that use it. Data can also be processed in many ways: checking it, repairing it, translating it. This level of control over the services is not available to frameworks that represent their information as program code.
There are differences between a Software Framework and a DSL. Typically, a DSL will have some concrete syntax which is used to express the data to be supplied to the engine. Frameworks do not tend to have specific language syntax - they use a general purpose programming language to construct the services. However, these differences are not as significant as they might appear at first.
A DSL is usually implemented in terms of a parser that translates the concrete syntax into the abstract syntax (the data structures) and then an engine that processes the abstract syntax (the framework). The essence of the DSL is the abstract syntax and the engine - after all that is the part which is doing all the real work. The concrete syntax just makes the DSL easy to use and there may be many concrete syntaxes for the same DSL. Therefore, the essence of a DSL is the data and the engine - a Software Framework!
The rest of this document drills into the view of DSL as Software Framework. We use a simple example application to illustrate some of the points. The example (in addition to the link to Software Frameworks) is taken from a talk given by Martin Fowler at JAOO 06.
To top.
Example Application
Suppose we have data that contains information about customer events. A customer event might be a service call including the name of the customer, the type of the call (failed hardware, billing query etc) and the date. This information may be provided in real-time or in a log file as text:SVCLFOWLER 10101MS0120050313The requirement is to have a Java program that processes the information. Obviously the first task of the Java application is to split the input strings up in terms of their fields. If there are a very small number of types of call then it would be OK to just write the appropriate string manipulation calls on the input.
SVCLHOHPE 10201DX0320050315
SVCLTWO x10301MRP220050329
USGE10301TWO x50214..7050329
However, this will rapidly become tedious and error prone as the number of different types of call grows. This leads to the idea of replacing the repeating patterns in the code with a software framework. Service plug-points in the framework allow the developer to register different types of call and the associated string manipulation that goes with it. This might be done using an abstract class:
framework.registerStrategy(new ReaderStrategy() {The framework is responsible for processing the raw input text and calling the various registered recognizers in order to process the lines.
public boolean recognizes(String s) {
return hasPrefix(s,"SVCL");
public Record extract(String s) {
return new ServiceCall(s.subString(4,18),...);
In developing a framework such as that shown above, we observe that the services are written in Java. There is little the framework can do to analyze each registered service in order to make sure that it is legal. Rules governing a well-formed service might include checking that the indices used to chop up the string are non-conflicting and that the prefix labels for all recognizers are unique.
In addition to the quality control objections raised above, the service-as-code implementation uses a great deal of Java which is standard for each of the recognizers. Essentially, there is a pattern to defining a recognizer where only the prefix name, the type of the record and indices change. It would be much better from the point of quality to be able to abstract away from this implementation noise.
It would be much better to represent the framework services as data. This is because the framework can perform analysis on the well-formedness of the services and also because data representations of services provides scope for concrete syntax which will address the problems that arise from repeating boilerplate code.
Fowler gives a service representation something like the following:
public void ConfigureCallReader(Framework framework) {Notice how everything about the service is now represented as data that is supplied to the framework. The framework has a model of this language (the classes for ReaderStrategy, FieldExtractor etc) that it can manipulate the 'program' against. Therefore it can perform analysis on the registered services and translate them into something else if it wishes. Neither of these activities would be possible of the services were supplied as code.
private ReaderStrategy ConfigureServiceCall() {
ReaderStrategy result = new ReaderStrategy("SVCL",typeof(ServiceCall));
private ReaderStrategy ConfigureUsage() {
ReaderStrategy result = new ReaderStrategy("USGE",typeof(Usage));
Finally, note that the services-as-data example above involves further boilerplate code. In some ways this is worse than the boilerplate in the services-as-code example since there is more of it! Furthermore, we are dealing with two languages here: Java is used to represent a language for reader strategies. It is therefore difficult to see the wood for the trees.
The solution is to design a concrete syntax for the call language and to have a parser translate the concrete syntax into instances of the abstract syntax (classes ReaderStrategy, FieldExtractor etc). There can be any number of concrete syntaxes for a language. Fowler proposes both XML and a bespoke syntax.
XML is popular because it is standard. Whilst XML is widely used for configuring tools and frameworks, it is in many ways a lowest common denominator and lacks the variety of syntax features that is the essential reason for using a concrete syntax in the first place. Having said that, XML might be attractive because it can be processed easily by several tools. A suitable representation for the DSL described above is:
<ReaderConfiguration>A bespoke syntax for a DSL should be designed for readability and therefore to aid development and maintainability. Here is a possible syntax:
<Mapping code='SVCL' targetClass='ServiceCall'>
<Field name='CustomerName' startPos='4' endPos='18'/>
<Mapping code='USGE' targetClass='Usage'>
<ref name='SVCL'/>
@Reader CallReaderTo top.
Abstract Syntax
Our DSL requires an abstract syntax to represent the information that is supplied to the framework. The following diagram shows classes and relationships defined by the abstract syntax:
The rest of this section discusses how these classes are used in the definition of a reader.
Named is an abstract class that defines a name of type string. A Reader is a container of mappings and a strategy. The mappings define the tagged and formatted fields that are received as input from the log file. Each Mapping is named and collectively they define a library available to the containing reader reader. The Strategy is used to reference mapping by name. The strategy is used to register mappings with the framework. In a more sophisticated language, the strategy could impose constraints on how the mappings are used, for example by requiring them to be used in a particular order.
To top.
There are a number of ways in which we can implement the relationship between the abstract syntax defined in the previous section and the software framework. Two standard ways of achieving this are: to embed the language into the same platform as the framework; or, to translate the syntax onto a different platform. There is no real reason why you would do one rather than the other. In many cases it will be determined by other factors, for example when the DSL implementation technology is different from the framework technology.To top.
Implementation 1: Embedded
Suppose that the technology platform used to represent the DSL is the same as that for the framework. In this case we may choose to dynamically link the syntax to the framework which will allow new reader definitions to be added while the framework is running. Suppose that the framework is implemented in XMF and that the class Framework implements a register operation:context FrameworkTo top.
@Operation register(reader:Reader)
context Strategy
@Operation register(framework:Framework,reader:Reader)
@For ref in mappings do
context MappingRef
@Operation register(framework:Framework,reader:Reader)
context Mapping
@Operation register(framework:Framework)
let r:ReaderStrategy = ReaderStrategy(tag,typeof(name)
in framework.registerStrategy(r);
@For field in fields do
context Field
@Operation register(readerStrategy:ReaderStrategy)
Implementation 2: Translational
If the DSL is implemented in a different technology to the DSL or if you wish to impose a phase distinction between the definition-time (processing the DSL) and run-time (running the framework) then you may choose the translate the DSL to the source code of a target language. To do this you need to write an exported that transforms instances of the abstract syntax classes to text. Again, support hat the abstract syntax classes are implemented in XMF and that we want to attach an operation to Reader that produces the Java source code defined above.XMF provides code templates that can be used to embed the source code of one language in that of another. This is defined in the package CodeGen. CodeGen allows you to define a class which will be used to represent code templates in terms of drop and lift delimiters. If we define a code generation template called X using CodeGen then we might decide to use drop delimiters < and > and to use lift delimiters [ and ]. Then we can write code templates of the form:
// We are writing in the language of theThe ability to switch back and forth between languages is very powerful. The templates observe variable scoping. The only special thing to be aware of is that within a template you must use 'e_nd' instead of 'end' since the only time the keyword 'end' can be used is at the very end of the template.
// surrounding context (e.g. XOCL)
// Write syntax in language X
// In here we have reverted back to XOCL
// Now we are back with language X again.
// Back to XOCL
// Finished with XOCL, back to X
// Finished with X back to XOCL
// Finished with XOCL back to X
// The end of the code template - back to XOCL.
Here is the code generator for Reader. The operation uses the template for Java:
context ReaderTo top.
@Operation toJava(out:OutputChannel)
public void Configure<name>(Framework framework) {
<@Loop ref in strategy.mappings() do
<@Loop mapping in mappings do
private ReaderStrategy Configure<>() {
ReaderStrategy result = new ReaderStrategy("<mapping.tag()>",typeof(<>));
<@Loop field in mapping.fields() do
Concrete Syntax
A DSL may have one or more concrete syntaxes. The syntax provides a way of easily constructing the service descriptions and a way of easily maintaining them. Typically a syntax for a DSL would be designed so that it abstracts away from the details of how the abstract syntax structures are created. The concrete syntax also reduces to 1 the number of languages that a develop has to deal with. For example, the developer is not using Java in order to construct programs in another language.This section shows how two concrete syntaxes can be added on top of the abstract syntax for the call-data processing language. XMF is used to define the syntaxes in both cases. The first syntax is an embedded language within XOCL, therefore call-data processing readers can be defined in XOCL code. The second syntax is XML.
Concrete Syntax 1: Embedded
XMF allows classes to have grammars. The grammar marks the class as a new syntax construct that can be used as part of XOCL or as a stand-alone language. A new syntax class C can be used as part of XOCL using the special '@' character before the name of the class:@CThe syntax construct for new reader definition shown above can be defined as follows:
// Syntax for the new construct here...
context ReaderOnce the new syntax construct is defined, we can use it anywhere that an XOCL expression is expected. For example, we can define an operation that returns two readers:
// Start with the syntax rule named Reader...
Reader ::=
// A reader is a name...
n = Name
// ... followed by some mappings...
M = Mapping*
// ... and then a strategy...
s = Strategy
// The rule creates and returns a new reader...
{ Reader(n,s,M) }.
Mapping ::=
// A mapping is the tag and the name...
'map' '(' t = Name ',' n = Name ')'
// ... followed by some field specifications...
F = Field*
// This rule creates and returns a new mapping...
{ Mapping(t,n,F) }.
Field ::=
// A field specification is a start and end index
// followed by a record name...
s = Int '-' e = Int ':' n = Name
{ Field(s,e,n) }.
Strategy ::=
// A strategy is a sequence of names...
'do' N = Name*
// Each name is turned into a mapping ref...
{ Strategy(N->collect(n | MappingRef(n))) }.
context RootTo top.
@Operation test()
let reader1 =
@Reader CallReader
reader2 =
@Reader BankAccountReader
in Seq{reader1,reader2}
Concrete Syntax 2: XML
An alternative syntax for our language is XML. This is possibly less attractive than the embedded syntax defined above because the XML concrete syntax is universal and therefore could be viewed as being the lowest common denominator. In many ways, XML is in a one-to-one correspondence with the abstract syntax and therefore really does not add much to the readability of a language. However, there may be other reasons why XML is attractive for the concrete syntax of a language. For example, you may have other XML-based tools that need access to the reader definitions.XMF provides many different ways of processing XML documents. A useful approach is to define XML syntax rules very similar to those defined in the previous section. This can be done as follows:
context ReaderTo top.
@Grammar ReaderXMLGrammar
Reader ::=
// An XML document containing a reader has a root
// element with a ReaderConfiguration tag. The element
// has an attribute called 'name' and children that
// are described by the Mapping and Strategy rules...
<ReaderConfiguration n=name>
M = Mapping*
s = Strategy
// Once a ReaderConfiguration element has been
// successfully consumed according to the rules,
// A reader is created and returned...
{ Reader(n,s,M) }.
Mapping ::=
<Mapping c=code t=targetClass>
F = Field*
{ Mapping(c,t,F) }.
Field ::=
<Field n=name s=startPos e=endPos/>
{ Field(n,s,e) }.
Strategy ::=
// The children of a strategy element are all
// elements with tag 'Ref'. Each is processed in
// turn by translating it to a MappingRef and then
// all the children can be references as N...
N = (<Ref n=name/> { MappingRef(n) })*
{ Strategy(N) }.
This document has described the relationship between Software Frameworks and Domain Specific Languages, noting that DSLs are a special case of frameworks where the services are all represented in data. DSLs add an extra dimension to Software Frameworks by allowing the services to be defined using a specially designed concrete syntax. The relationship has been described using an example DSL due to Martin Fowler which has been implemented using XMF.To top.