

An instance of Seq where the element type is Element. This is the super-type of all sequence data types.

append(s:Seq(Element)):Seq(Element) Appe-nd two sequences.
asProperSeq():Seq(Element)No Documentation Specified
asSeq():Seq(Element) Turns a sequence into a sequence.
asSet():Set(Element) Turn a sequence into a set.
asString():String Turns a sequence of integers into a string.
asVector():Vector Turns a sequence into a vector.
assoc(key:Element):Element Receiver must be an a-list. Returns a-list headed by pair whose head is the key or null.
at(n:Integer):Element Returns the nth element of a sequence starting from 0.
bind(key:Element,value:Element):Seq(Element) Binds a key with a value and adds it to the head of the sequence.
binds(key:Element):Boolean Returns true of a sequence contains a binding that matches the key.
butLast():Seq(Element) Returns all elements but the last element.
collect(filter:Element):Seq(Element)No Documentation Specified
contains(element:Element):Boolean Returns true if the sequence contains the element.
default():Seq(Element) Returns the default sequence: an empty sequence.
delete(element:Element,multiple:Boolean):Seq(Element) Deletes the element by side effect from the receiver and returns the receiver. The second argument controls whether or not multiple occurrences are deleted.
delete(element:Element):ElementNo Documentation Specified
dom():Set(Element) Returns the keys in an environment
dot(name:String):Seq(Element) Returns the result of iterating over a sequence and performing dot on each element.
drop(n:Integer):Seq(Element) Drops the first n elements from a sequence.
dropWhile(pred:Operation):Seq(Element) Drop elements until pred is not satisfied.
equals(other:Element):Boolean Returns true if a sequence equals another sequence. To be equal they must both be sequences and their elements should be equal and in the same order.
excluding(element:Element):ElementNo Documentation Specified
exists(pred:Element):Boolean Returns true when one element of the sequence satisfies the predicate otherwise it returns false.
flatten():Seq(Element) Turns a sequence of sequences of X into a sequence of X.
forAll(pred:Element):Boolean Returns true if all elements of the sequence satisfy the predicate otherwise returns false.
get(name:String):ElementNo Documentation Specified
hasPrefix(prefix:Seq(Element)):Boolean Returns true if a sequence is prefixed by the sequence prefix.
hasSuffix(suffix:Seq(Element)):Boolean Returns true if a sequence is suffixed by the sequence suffix
head():Element Returns the head of a sequence.
includes(element:Element):Boolean Returns true if a sequence contains element.
includesAll(c:Collection(Element)):Boolean Returns true if a sequence includes all the elements in the collection c.
including(e:Element):Seq(Element) Returns the result of including the element e in a sequence. The element is added to the head of the sequence.
indexOf(element:Element):Integer Returns the first index of the element in a sequence. If it is not found, returns -1.
insertAt(e:Element,i:Integer):Seq(Element) Inserts an element e at position i in a sequence.
intersection(s:Seq(Element)):Set(Element) Returns common elements.
isEmpty():Boolean Returns true if a sequence is empty.
isEnv():Boolean An environment is implement by a sequence when the sequence is a proper sequence of pairs.
isKindOf(type:Classifier):Boolean Returns true if all elements in a sequence are instances of type.
isProperSequence():Boolean Returns true if the last tail is a valid sequence.
iter(iterator:Element,value:Element):Seq(Element) Iterates through a sequence, returning a sequence.
last():Element Returns the last element of a non-empty sequence.
linkAt(element:Element,index:Integer):Seq(Element) Inserts an element into a sequence at the index.
lookup():Element Lookup is a message which when sent to a sequence of strings will lookup the element at the path given by the strings in order. If no element exists then an error is raised.
lookup(key:Element):Element Looks up a pair in a sequence using the key. Returns an error if the key cannot be found.
makeTree(children:Element):ElementNo Documentation Specified
map(message:Element,args:Element):ElementNo Documentation Specified
max():Integer Returns the maximum valued element in the sequence.
mul(s:Seq(Element)):Seq(Element) Generates a sequence containing all combinations of elements in the two sequences.
prefixes():Seq(Element) Returns all possible prefixes of a sequence including the empty sequence.
prepend(e:Element):Seq(Element) Prepe-nd adds an element to the head of a sequence and returns a new sequence.
qsort(pred:Operation):Seq(Element) Quicksorts the elements in the sequence. Is supplied with an operation of the form @Operation(x,y) predicate en-d where x and y will be elements in the sequence. An example predicate might be x < y.
ref(nameSpaces:Element):Element Looks up a namespace path represented as a sequence of strings to the element found at the path. The operation takes a sequence of namespaces as an argument; the namespace arguments are used as the basis for the lookup.
reject(pred:Element):Seq(Element)No Documentation Specified
removeAt(index:Integer):Seq(Element) Removes element at speicified index.
replaceAt(index:Integer,new:Element):Seq(Element) Replace the element at the supplied index.
reverse():Seq(Element) Reverses a sequence.
sel():Element Returns one element from a sequence.
select(predicate:Element):Seq(Element) Applies a filter to a sequence of elements.
separateWith(sep:String):String Constructs a string by concatenating the elements of a sequence together, separated by sep.
set(key:Element,value:Element):Seq(Element) Sets the value of a binding in a sequence indexed by key. Creates a binding if one does not exist.
setTail(newTail:Element):Element Sets the tail of a non-empty sequence to be the supplied new tail.
size():Integer Returns the size of a sequence.
sort(pred:Element):Seq(Element) Sorts a sequence using a comparison predicate of the form @Operation(x,y) predicate en-d. The predicate must be a comparison expression, e.g. x < y.
sortNamedElements(caseDependent:Boolean):Seq(NamedElement) Sorts a sequence of names. This operation is implemented in the kernel as is therefore very fast.
sortNamedElements():Seq(NamedElement) Default case depen-dent use of sortNamedElements(arg)
sortNamedElements_CaseIndependent():Seq(Element)No Documentation Specified
sortNames():Seq(String) Sorts a sequence of names.
subSequence(starting:Element,terminating:Element):Element Produces a subsequence given two indices. The first index is inclusive and is the starting index. The second index is exclusive and is the terminating index.
subst(new:Element,old:Element,all:Boolean):Seq(Element) Substitutes old for new in a sequence. If all is true, it will replace all elements, otherwise it will replace the first element.
tail():Seq(Element) Returns the tail of a sequence.
take(n:Integer):Element Takes n elements from the tail of a sequence.
takeWhile(pred:Operation):Seq(Element)No Documentation Specified
toString():String Produces a printed representation of a sequence.
unbind(key:Element):ElementNo Documentation Specified
zip(s:Seq(Element)):Seq(Element) Produces a sequences of pairs by matching the first element of a sequence with the first element of s, and so on...