

A vector is a fixed length array of elements. They are created using the constructor Vector(). Vectors provide very efficient insert ('put/2') and lookup operations ('ref/1').

Parents Element



asSeq():Seq(Element) Converts a vector into a sequence.
asString():String Converts a vector to a string.
copyInto(vector:Element):Element Copies the elements of vector into self starting at position 0.
daemons():ElementNo Documentation Specified
daemonsActive():BooleanNo Documentation Specified
indexOf(value:Element):Integer Returns the index of the first occurrence of the supplied value or -1.
init(args:Element):ElementNo Documentation Specified
put(index:Element,value:Element):Element Put the element value into a vector at position index.
ref(index:Element):Element Returns the value at position index in a vector.
setDaemons(daemons:Element):ElementNo Documentation Specified
setDaemonsActive(active:Element):ElementNo Documentation Specified
size():Integer Returns the size of a vector.
subst(new:Element,old:Element,all:Boolean):Element Substitutes occurrences of old with new. The all argument determines whether just the first or all occurrences are replaced. This is a destructive replacement.
toString():String Returns a string representation of a vector.
From Element: pprint, pprint, pprint, writeXMLFile, writeXMLFile, writeXML, lift, toSnapshot, toSnapshot, allHTMLEntries, allHTMLPackages, toHTML, writeHTML, writeHTML, writeHTMLAllEntries, writeHTMLAllPackages, writeHTMLIndex, writeHTMLOverview, yield, toString, systemId, setOf, send, save2, save, removeDaemon, removeDaemon, println, print, oclIsKindOf, oclIsTypeOf, noOperationFound, isTypeOf, isReallyKindOf, init, init, of, isKindOf, addTo, checkConstraints, copy, deleteRecursive, die, edit, equals, error, ferror, hashCode.