XML Processing


There is a general requirement for model data to be interchangeable between tools. This is because organisations rely increasingly on tool chains to support their business. No single tool can support the whole process. Data generated by a modelling tool might hand the information on to a code-generation tool or might hand the information on to an engine that runs the models directly. In any case the different tools in the tool chain need to agree on a format for the data.

In order to have different tools work with shared data there needs to be a common serialization format. Data is serialized when it is exported into a format that can be saved in a file. The format of the data in the file needs to be known to all tools in the chain. The format definition is often referred to as meta-data.

The de-facto standard for data representation is XML. It is a textual format that can be saved to files. Essentially, XML data is a tree where each node in the tree is either raw text or is an element. An element has a tag and some name/value attribute pairs. Each element has a sequence of child nodes. Often you can think of the node tag as the type of the node (for example: an employee record or a customer transaction) and the attribute pairs as containing node properties (for example: the employee name or the date of the transaction). The children of the node usually encode relationships (for example: employee-to-department or transaction-to-product).

XML meta-data (often also encoded as XML) defines the legal structure of the XML documents. For example it defines the set of tags that can be used in elements, the legal set of attributes for an element with a given tag and the order in which child nodes can occur.

Both models and model instance data can be encoded using XML. For example, the UML modelling language has an XML meta-data definition called XMI that defines how UML models are serialized and therefore shared between UML tools.

When using a model-driven approach to system development it is important to understand how to serialize and de-serialize model data. You may be using a standard meta-data definition or be designing one of your own. This chapter describes a number of language driven approaches to using XML data.

XML Models

The diagram above shows a simple UML-style modelling language consisting of packages of classes and associations between them. This chapter shows how instances of this language can be serialized as XML data and how the resulting files can be read back into models.

Generating XML Data

Given an instance of the modelling language defined in the previous section, the translation to XML data is straightforward. Each class defines an operation to XML that takes an output channel to which XML is written. The format of XML data is standard, so it is useful to define a language construct to support its generation. The following shows how the toXML operation for Package is defined:
@Operation toXML(out:OutputChannel)
<Package name=self.name>
@For e in elements do
The XML construct is used to guide the generation of XML data to an output channel. The output channel is supplied in ( and ) after @XML. The body of the @XML construct defines the format of the generated XML data. An XML element has the format:
where TAG is just a name, ATTS is a sequence of attribute value pairs, CHILDREN is a sequence of child nodes and the final </TAG> should match up with the corresponding opening tag. In the example, the tag is Package, there is a single attribute called name. The value of the name attribute (on the right of the =) is the name of the package.

The @XML language construct allows XML elements to be written as they will appear in the output, the characters will be send to the supplied output channel. This makes it easy for the system to check that there are no mistakes in the XML format and removes the need for the user to have to use a format-statement or equivalent to describe how the output should appear.

The children part of the @XML construct for packages is an XOCL @For statement that iterates through the package elements and invokes their toXML operations, supplying the same output channel.

The browser above shows a simple library model serialized as XML using the toXML operations. Notice that the classes attached to the ends of associations are encoded as the unique identifiers attributes to the classes (in this case the class names are used as the class identifiers, however in a real implementation some unique string is usually used). The rest of this section defines the toXML operations for all other classes in the modelling language.

Associations just wrap an association element around the two ends:
@Operation toXML(out)
<Association name=name>
An end generates a name and an identifier for the class that it attaches to. The name of the class is used as the identifier:
@Operation toXML(out)
<End name=name type=class.name()/>
A class generates an element with attributes for the name, whether it is abstract and its identifier. the children are generated by asking each element of the class to generate some XML:
@Operation toXML(out)
<Class name=name isAbstract=isAbstract id=name>
@For e in elements do
The toXML operations for attributes, operations and arguments are very similar to those describes above.

An XML Generator

The previous section uses a simple language construct to generate XML output. The language construct allows the output from a model to be described in XML format rather than using raw character output. This makes it easier to focus on the structure of the output data rather than the detail of the XML character formatting. This section shows how the construct is implemented.

Print XML
The figure above shows the classes used to implement the XML printing construct. An XML template is a performable expression (out) and a sequence of nodes. The out expression will evaluate to an output channel at run-time and a node is a syntax construct that produces XML output to the channel. A text node is an expression that produces raw text in the XML output. A call node is a general XOCL expression; this allows any code to be embedded in the XML template (such as an @For expression). An element is a syntax construct that formats an XML element to the output channel. The tag and attribute components are all XOCL expressions that produce strings. An element node references sub-elements each of which are XML template nodes.

The XML template construct is parsed by the following grammar:
@Grammar extends OCL::OCL.grammar

AtomicElement ::=

// An XML element with no children...

'<' t = Tag A = Att* '/>'

{ Element(t,A,Seq{}) }.

Att ::=

// An XML element attribute is a name
// and an expression...

n = AttName '=' v = Exp

{ Attribute(n,v) }.

AttName ::=

// A name is either a literal or needs
// to be calculated as a string valued
// expression. The expression is delimited
// by parentheses...

n = Name { OCL::StrExp(n) }

| '(' e = Exp ')' { e }.

Call ::=

// A 'call' is just an XOCL expression
// that might produce XML output...

e = Exp { Call(e) }.

Element ::=

// An element is either an XML element...

| StructuredElement

// Or some literal text...

| Text

// Or an XOCL expression...

| Call.

Out ::=

// By default the XML output goes to
// standard output...

'(' e = Exp ')' { e }
| { [| stdout |] }.

StructuredElement ::=

// A structured XML element has a start tag
// an end tag and some elements in-between...

'<' t1 = Tag A = Att* '>'
E = Element*
'</' t2 = Tag '>'
{ Element(t1,A,E) }.

Tag ::=

// An element tag is either a name or is
.. computed at run-time...

n = Name { OCL::StrExp(n) }
| '(' e = Exp ')' { e }.

Text ::=

// Any text is allowed in the input
// when the 'Text' token is used...

'Text' '(' e = Exp ')' { Text(e) }.

XML ::=

// The main clause of the grammar...

out = Out E = Element* { XML(out,E) }.

The grammar extends the OCL grammar that provides the Exp rule; producing an instance of XOCL::Performable. The grammar should be self explanatory; it is worth noting the mechanism by which the template constructs are populated by instances of Performable. The Out rule recognizes an expression in parentheses or returns the expression (via the syntax quotes [| and |]) referencing the standard input stdin. The Tag and AttName rules transforms a recognized name to a string expression.

The grammar synthesizes an instance of the class XML, which is syntactic sugar and transforms itself into basic XOCL code. The Package XML template:
<Package name=self.name>
@For e in elements do
becomes the following XOCL code:
format(out," ~S='~X'",Seq{"name",self.name});
@For x in elements do
Each of the XML template classes defines an operation named desugar. The XOCL execution engine knows that if it presented with an instance of XOCL::Sugar it will not know directly how to perform the construct. However, the construct will implement the desugar operation that can be used to transform it into something the engine does know how to deal with. The rest of this section describes the desugar operations defined by the various XML template classes.

The XML::desugar operation is as follows:
@Operation desugar()
nodes->iterate(n e = [| null |] |
[| <e>; <n.desugar(out)> |])
Each of the XML nodes is desugared and sequenced using the ';' operator. The Text::desugar operation is straightforward as it just sends the text to the output:
@Operation desugar(out)
[| format(<out>,<text>) |]
The Code::desugar operation is also straightforward:
@Operation desugar(out)
Finally, Element::desugar is where the main work is done. The action is different depending on whether the sub-elements are empty or not. In the case of no sub-elements:
@Operation desugarNoElements(out)
[| format(<out>,"<~S",Seq{<tag>});
<attributes->iterate(a e = [| format(<out>,"/>",Seq{<tag>}) |] |
[| <a.desugar(out)>; <e> |])>
All the sub-elements are nodes and can be transformed to code via their desugar operation:
@Operation desugarWithElements(out)
[| format(<out>,"<~S",Seq{<tag>});
<attributes->iterate(a e = [| format(<out>,">") |] |
[| <a.desugar(out)>; <e> |])>;
<elements->iterate(e x = [| null |] |
[| <x>; <e.desugar(out)> |])>;

Parsing XML

When XML data is read in it must be recognized against a meta-data description and then the corresponding model data can be synthesized as a result. This is the same activity that occurs when a text language is parsed and corresponding data structures are synthesized. The only significant difference is that instead of parsing a sequence of characters (or tokens) the structure to be parsed in the XML case is a tree of elements. This section describes how the meta-data description for an XML document can be expressed as a grammar including actions that synthesize data. An XML document is recognized and synthesized using a new language construct: an XML grammar; an XML grammar is defined for the simple package modelling language defined above. This section describes a language construct for expressing XML grammars and shows how it is implemented.

A standard grammar is used by a parser to process an input sequence of characters. A parser follows the rules defined by the grammar, consuming text when the grammar specifies a terminal symbol. The parser takes care to keep track of alternatives; when the parser encounters a choice point, the current position is marked in the input so that the parser can return to the position if the choice fails. The parser encounters actions in the grammar rules, these synthesize elements. The parse succeeds when there is no further grammar elements to be processed; the parser returns the top-most syntheiszed element.

An XML grammar is very similar to a standard grammar with the following differences:
The following is an XML grammar for the XML document produced in the previous section:
(1) @Grammar Models

(2) Attribute ::=
(3) <Attribute n=name t=type/>
(4) { Attribute(n,t)

Class ::=
<Class n=name a=isAbstract id=id>
(5) elements = ClassElement*
(6) </Class> id := {
(7) elements->iterate(e c = Class(n,a="true") |

(8) ClassElement ::=
| Operation.

Model ::= Package.

Operation ::=
<Operation n=name>
as = Arg*
</Operation> {

Package ::=
<Package n=name>
elements = PackageElement*
</Package> {
elements->iterate(e p = Package(n) |

PackageElement ::=
| Class
| Association.

(9) Association ::=
<Association n=name>
<End n1=name t1=type/>
<End n2=name t2=type/>
</Association> {
(10) Association(n,End(n1,Ref(t1)),End(n2,Ref(t2)))
Line (1) introduces the grammar named Models. Line (2) is a typical example of a grammar clause; it defines a rule for an attribute. Attributes exist in the XML document as elements with two attributes: name and type. Line (3) declares that an attribute takes the form of an element with tag Attribute and with XML attributes name and type whose values are references as n and t respectively. Line (4) is an action that syntheisizes an attribute; the action may refer to any of the variables that have been bound when the clause matches (in this case n and t).

Attribute is an example of an XML element where the children are of no interest.Such elements are declared in grammar clauses by <TAG ... />. The clause for Class is an example where the children are of interest. Such elements are declared as <TAG> ... </TAG>. Line (5) declares that the children of a class element must match the elements declared in ClassElement and there may be any number of such elements (as defined by *).

Each class has a unique identifier supplied as the value of the attribute id. Elsewhere in the XML document, classes may be referenced by association ends. The references are made using the identifier of the class. An XML grammar registers a synthesized element against a unique identifier using the declarator :=. Line (6) shows how the class syntheiszed by the Class clause is registered against the value of the variable id. References to the identifier in association ends synthesized by the parser will be automatically resolved as part of the parse. Line (7) shows that a class is synthesized and the elements synthesized by the ClassElement clause are each added to the resulting class.

Line (8) shows the definition ofthe classElement clause. A class may contain attributes and operations. This clause shows how alternatives are declared in clauses using | to sepaate the options. When the parser tries to consume the next XML element against the ClassElement clause, it will try Attribute, if that succeeds in recognizing an element then the parse continues, otherwise the parse will backtrack and try to recognize an Operation.

Line (9) shows the clause for associations. An association end in the XML document references the type attached to the end via its class identifier. An association end element references the class directly, so the identifier must be resolved to the class (which is synthesized elsewhere in the parse). Line (10) shows how the grammar can declare that an identifier reference must be resolved. The class Ref is used to construct an identifier reference. Providing that the identifier in the reference is registered elsewhere in the parse (using := as in line 6) then the parse will automatically replace the reference Ref(id) with the model element registered against the id.

The grammar for XML grammars is shown below:
@Grammar extends OCL::OCL.grammar 

Action ::= '{' exp = Exp '}' {

Any ::= 'ANY' { Any() }.

AtomicElement ::= '<' tag = Tag as = Attribute* '/>' {

Attribute ::=
var = Name
tag = AttributeTag
default = AttributeDefault {

AttributeTag ::=
'=' Tag
| { "" }.

AttributeDefault ::=
':=' d = Exp { Exp(d) }
| { null }.

Call ::= name = Name { Call(name) } .

Clause ::= name = Name '::=' def = Disjunct '.' {

ClauseAtom ::=
| Empty
| Action
| Call
| Any
| Text
| Unordered
| '(' d = Disjunct ')' { Paren(d) }.

Conjunct ::= p = ClauseBind qs = (Conjunct)* {
qs->iterate(q p = p | And(p,q))

ClauseBind ::=
name = Name '=' p = Repeat { Bind(Seq{name},p) }
| ClauseUpdate.

ClauseUpdate ::=
name = Name ':=' p = Repeat { Update(name,p) }
| Repeat.

Children ::=
| { Empty() }.

CompositeElement ::=
'<' tag = Tag attributes = Attributes '>'
children = Children
'</' Tag '>' {

Disjunct ::= p = Conjunct qs = ('|' Disjunct)* {
qs->iterate(q p = p | Or(p,q))

Element ::=
| CompositeElement.

Empty ::= 'EMPTY' { Empty() }.

Grammar ::= name = Name clauses = Clause* 'end' {

Repeat ::=
p = Opt ('*' { Star(p) }
| '+' { Plus(p) }
| '#' { Star(p,true) }
| {p}).

Opt ::=
'[' p = ClauseAtom ']' { Opt(p) }
| ClauseAtom.

Tag ::=
| Name.

Text ::= 'TEXT' { Text() }.

Unordered ::= 'Set' '{' UnorderedElements '}'.

UnorderedElements ::=
p = ClauseBind
qs = (UnorderedElements)* {
qs->iterate(q p = p | Unordered(p,q))
A parser for an XML grammar must process an XML document. If the document conforms to one of the possible trees defined by the grammar then the parse succeeds and the parser returns the value syntheisized by the actions that have been performed. At any stage during the parse, the parser maintains a parse-state containing all the information necessary to continue from this point onwards. The elements of the parse state make up the arguments of a parse operation defined for each class in the XML grammar model. The parse-state contains the following:
The parse-state is defined by arguments to the operation parse:
context Pattern
@AbstractOp parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
The rest of this section describes the implementation of the parse operation. The first two definitions are for Empty and Any. Both of these clause patterns succeed; Empty does not consume any input whereas Any consumes the next XML element. Both produce the value null:
context Any
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)

context Empty
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
An And pattern occurs in a clause when two patterns must occur in sequence. The left pattern is performed first followed by the right pattern. If it succeeds, the left pattern may have modified the parse-state; this explains why the success continuation has arguments corresponding to the state that may have changed:
context And
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
An Or pattern occurs in a clause when there is a choice between two patterns. The choice involves a left and a right pattern. The parse continues with the left pattern. The right pattern is supplied as the activity performed by a new fail continuation. Notice that the current parse-state is closed-in to the new fail continuation. If the fail continuation is ever called, the parse will continue with the parse-state that is current when the fail continuation is created (not when the continuation is called):
context Or
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
An optional pattern can be implemented by Empty and Or:
context Opt
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
When a clause name is called, the grammar is asked for the named clause, a new parse-state is constructed and the clause body is parsed. Variables are local to each clause, therefore when a clause is called the initial variable environment is empty. A new success continuation is created that passes the return value of the clause to the caller, but reinstates the current variable environment:
context Call
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
let clause = grammar.clauseNamed(name)
in clause.body().parse(grammar,Seq{},ids,elements,
An action consists of an expression. An expression contains free variable references. These come in two categories: those variables bound by the current clause and global variables. An action expression encodes the freely referenced variables as arguments of the operation that implements the expression. Locally bound variables are found in the variable environment. Globally bound variables are found by looking the names up in the currently imported name spaces. The operation Grammar::valueOfVar takes a name, an environment and returns the value (whether it is locally or globally bound):
context Action
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
let args = exp.args->collect(a | grammar.valueOfVar(a,env))
in succ(exp.op.invoke(self,args),env,ids,elements,fail)
Variables are bound as follows:
context Bind
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
Update works like Bind except that the identifier is bound in a different environment:
context Update
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
let id = env->lookup(name)
in succ(value,env,ids->bind(id,value),elements,fail)
An XML element pattern requires that one or more input elements are consumed. The parse succeeds when the tags of the elements match and when the child element patterns match the child input elements. As part of the match, the attribute values of the input element are bound to the corresponding pattern attributes. The parser is defined below. Notice how the attributes may specify a default value in the pattern; if the corresponding attribute is not available in the input element then the pattern variable is bound to the supplied default value (created by evaluating an expression):
context Element
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
if elements->isEmpty
then fail()
let e = elements->head
in if e.isKindOf(XML::Element) andthen e.tag() = tag
@For p in attributes do
when a.name = p.att()
do env := env->bind(p.var(),a.value)
if p.value() <> null
then env := env->bind(p.var(),p.value().op().invoke(self,Seq{}))
else fail()
The * designator in clauses declares that the preceding underlying pattern may occur any number of times. The return value from such a pattern is the sequence of return values from each execution of the underlying pattern. This is implemented as follows. Notice that the failure continuation that is used for each execution of Star(pattern) causes the parse to succeed, but supplies the empty sequence of results. Therefore * cannot fail, 0 executions of the underlying pattern is OK:
context Star
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
Finally, the child of an XML input element may be arbitrary text:
context Text
@Operation parse(grammar,env,ids,elements,succ,fail)
if elements->isEmpty
then fail()
let e = elements->head
in if e.isKindOf(XML::Text)
then succ(e.text,env,ids,elements,fail)
else fail()
It remains to define how to invoke the parser. A grammar has an operation parse that is supplied with the name of the clause that will start the parse and the name of the file containing the XML document. The class IO::DomInputChannel takes an input channel as an argument and returns an input channel that translates XML source text into an instance of the XML model. The parse operation creates an initial parse-state and then starts the parse by calling the starting clause:
context Grammar
@Operation parse(file,start)
@WithOpenFile(fin <- file)
let din = DOMInputChannel(fin) then
doc = din.parse();
succ =
fail = @Operation() "FAIL" end
in Call(start).parse(self,Seq{},Seq{},Seq{doc.root},succ,fail)

Resolving References

A successful parse returns a synthesized value. The value may contain unresolved references to identifiers that were encountered during the parse. An identifier is registered using the i := X construct in a clause and may be used in a synthesized value by constructing an instance Ref(i). Resolving the references involves replacing all occurrences of ref(i) with the corresponding value of X.

Identifier resolution is performed by an operation Grammar::resolve. It is supplied with an identifier environment and a synthesized value. The ResolveRefs walker expects an identifier table (for efficiency), so the environment is translated to a table and then the synthesized value is walked:
context Grammar
@Operation resolve(ids,value)
let table = Table(100)
in @For id in ids->collect(pair | pair->head) do
Resolving references is easy in a meta-circular environment because engines can be defined that process the data as instances of very general data types. ResolveRefs is a walker that traverses the data and replaces all references (or reports an error if unregistered identifiers are encountered). The rest of this section gives an overview of ResolveRefs:
@Class ResolveRefs extends Walker

// The refTable is supplied as a result from the parse.
// The table registers identifiers and elements...

@Attribute refTable : Table end

// It may be desirable to limit the scope of the walk.
// The objPred is used to prevent the walker from
// descending into objects that may be large and are
// guaranteed not to contain identifier references...

@Attribute objPred : Operation =
@Operation(o) true end

// A walker must always call initWalker as part
// of creation...

@Constructor(refTable) !

// The main work is done by walkObject. If the object
// is a registered identifier then return the result
// of walking associated element. Otherwise the reference
// is illegal. If the object is not a reference then
// objPred controls whether or not the walk descends
// into the object's slots...

@Operation walkObject(o:Object,arg:Element):Element
if o.isKindOf(Ref)
if refTable.hasKey(o.id)
then self.walk(refTable.get(o.id),arg)
else self.error("Reference to undefined id: " + o.id)
elseif objPred(o)
then super(o,arg)
else o

// The following operation is characteritic of the
// rest of the walker...

@Operation walkSeq(s:SeqOfElement,arg:Element):Element
if not s->isEmpty
s->head := self.walk(s->head,arg);
s->tail := self.walk(s->tail,arg)

// More walking operations for basic data types...
