Document Composition



When mapping models to code (and other structured targets) it would be nice of the structure of the target matched the structure of the source. When this happens, individual elements in the source model can be transformed into elements of the target model, and the resulting target elements are then just grouped together to form the result. For example, when translating UML model classes with attributes to Java class definitions, each UML class turns into a Java class definition, each attribute in the UML class produces a corresponding attribute in the Java class. The structure is the same, but the detail of representation is different.

Unfortunately this situation does not often occur. For example, UML models consist of separate elements for classes, associations and state machines; each of these model elements are distinct, but they reference each other. A translation from UML to Java may choose to produce a single class definition consisting of:

The information in the Java program is nested within the Java class. The corresponding information in the UML model is spread out. The structures are not equivalent.

It is certainly possible to pass tables around the source model and build up the required parts of the target model. However, it is possible to do better than that and to use a language driven approach to hide away the details of how the target model is built up. The transformation language constructs can be pattern directed and the output can be declarative in such a way as to focus on mapping source elements to target elements without having to say too much about the mechanisms by which the output is produced.

Translating Executable Models

This section describes a typical scenario where the translation from models to program code requires the target code to pull together information from different parts of the source model. A fully executable program is produced by translating class models and state machines to Java. The example is a car cruise controller and is very simple, but is representative of a large number of strategies for producing programs from models.

Controller Class

The figure above shows a simple model consisting of classes, attributes and associations. A car engine controller manages the speed of the car and communicates with the cruise control system. The cruise control system is managed via a mechanical switch on the dashboard.

Accellerate State Machine

The state machine above shows  the behaviour of the engine controller. The engine starts in the Idle state when it is switched on. When the controller detects the accelerator being pressed, it switches to the Accelerate state. When the car is accelerating, the driver can press the cruise control button on the dashboard causing the controller to switch to the Cruise state providing that the speed is less than a preset amount (120). In the cruising state, the driver can switch the control off by pressing the accelerator. When switching to and from the cruising state, the engine controller communicates with the cruise controller, setting its 'on' state.

Given the behavioural models defined in the above figures it is possible to produce a fully executable Java program. The program consists of class definitions for the two classes in the model. Each class includes fields, accessors, updaters and a message handling operation; the definition of these components comes from different aspects of the source model.

The rest of this section shows the program code generated from the Controller class. The example is representative of the code generated from any class in a behavioural model. Firstly, each model class produces a Java class definition (the missing definitions are given subsequently):
class Controller {
// Messages...
// Fields...
// Accessors...
// Updaters...
// Message passing...
The state machine for a class defines a collection of messages on the transitions. Each of the messages has a unique identifier that is defined as a collection of constants in the class:
  // Messages...
public static final int accel = 0;
public static final int cruise = 1;
public static final int off = 2;
public static final int cancel = 3;
The state of an object is given by field definitions that come from different aspects of the behavioural model:

The Java field definitions for the engine controller are given below:
  // Fields...
Float speed; // Simple attribute.
String state; // Current state.
CruiseControl cruise; // Association role end.
Each of the Java fields given above are private to the class definition. To provide access to the state of a Java instance, the following accessors and updaters are defined:
  // Accessors and updaters...
public CruiseControl getcruise() { return cruise; }
public Float getspeed() { return speed; }
public void setcruise(CruiseControl cruise) { = cruise;
public void setspeed(Float speed) {
this.speed = speed;
State machines define the behaviour of objects in response to receiving messages. This can be defined in Java using a method in each class that handles messages:
public void send(int message,Object[] args) {
switch(message) {
// Transitions...
Each transition consists of source and target states s and t, the transition occurs when a message m is received and when a guard g is true. When the transition fires, an action a is performed and the receiver changes to the target state t. Each message is implemented as a case in the Java switch statement:
    case m:
// Transition...
if(state == s && g) {
state = t;
The state machine for the engine controller is shown below:
  // Message passing...
public void send(int message,Object[] args) {
switch(message) {
case Controller.accel:
state = "Accelerate";
if(state.equals("Accelerate") && speed < 120)
state = "Cruise";
state = "Idle";
case Controller.cancel:
state = "Accelerate";
state = "Idle";
default: throw new Error("No message " + message);

Transformation Architecture

Before looking at a language that supports the generation of code for models, it is worth considering the steps taken by a mechanical process. The idea is that the mechanical process is driven by code generation rules and that the rules encode any domain specific information about the models being transformed. The code generation rules are pattern directed and follow the structure of the source model:
for each class c
emit a Java class definition.
emit a state field.
for each attribute a of c
emit a field definition for a.
emit an access and updater for a.
emit a message handling method.
for each association A
emit a field for end1
emit a field for end2
for each state machine m for class c
for each transition t of m
emit a constant field to c for message(t)
emit a message case for t to c
The transformation defined above follows the structure of the source model. However, the code that is produced (or emitted) by the transformation rules does not follow the same structure; for example fields arising from associations must be added to class definitions that are produced by other parts of the transformation. It is attractive to have the transformation follow the structure of the source model but some technology must be employed to tie up the various target components. An effective way to do this is to use labels: emitted code is labelled and may contain labels, once the labelled target components are produced a subsequent phase is used to resolve label references.


An overview of the architecture of the transformation process shown above. Model elements are supplied to the rules in the rule base. Each rule consists of a source pattern and a target pattern. Two rules are shown:
  1. R1: Pattern P1 matches a class in the model. The output pattern describes a Java class labelled with the class name.
  2. R2: Pattern P2 matches an attribute in the model. The output pattern describes a Java field labelled with the name of the owning class.
When model elements are supplied to a rule-base consisting of a collection of rules, each rule is tried in turn. If the input elements match the patterns then the rule is enabled. Patterns contain variable names and an enabled rule has an environment of variable bindings. The first enabled rule is fired. Firing a rule produces a document template by replacing all occurrences of pattern variables in the output pattern. Turning an output pattern into a document template is referred to as forcing the output pattern with respect to the environment.

The figureshows three document templates produced from the rule-base. The first is labelled with classX and is the result of mapping a model class named X to a Java class. The second and third are both labelled with XAtts and are the result of mapping two class attributes named x and y to Java fields. The classX template contains a reference to a label XAtts that is a placeholder for the fields of the class.

A document template is transformed into a document by replacing all label references with documents. This process is called displaying the document template. The display process is shown as the final step where the occurrence of XAtts in the class definition is replaced with all the field definitions labelled XAtts.

Rule firing may involve multiple passes over the data; the output pattern of each rule may refer to other rule-bases (including its own) and supply data to those rule-bases to produce the final document templates. For example, the rule R1 is supplied with a class, emits a document template for the class but also calls the rule-base again with the attributes of the class so that rule R2 fires on each attribute. All rule firing is completed before document display takes place.

A Rule Based Language

The transformation from a model to code is performed by a rule-base containing a collection of rules. The rule base is supplied with one or more model elements as input. It tries the rules in turn until one of the rules matches the input. The body of the matching rule is forced to produce a document template. The template may be labelled and may contain labelled placeholders. The rule-base may be performed multiple times against different model elements. Once execution is complete, the templates are displayed by matching placeholder labels against labelled output. The result is an output document with no unresolved labels that can be displayed as text. This section describes the features of the rule-base language and concludes with the complete behavioural modelling rule-base as described in the previous section.

A rule-base with the name N has the following format:
@RuleBase N
// Rules...
A rule named R has the following format:
@Rule R P1,P2,...,Pn -> 
D1 D2 ... Dm
where each Pi is an element pattern and each Di is a document pattern. The idea of a rule is that it must be supplied with n inputs. If each of the n inputs match the patterns then the rule is enabled. An enabled rule is fired by forcing the output defined by each Di in turn. The result produced by the rule firing is the last document Dm. Each pattern Pi may contain variables that match against the corresponding input. If the rule is enabled then the collection of variables and values provides an environment for the rule firing.

Here is a simple example of a rule:
@Rule Anything x ->
The pattern 'x' matches anything as input. A document < exp > performs the expression exp in the supplied rule-firing environment. The result of x is either a document or an element that is transformed into a string. In the case of Anything, the rule will produce the stringified version of x as a document.

A pattern may match an object:
@Rule ToJava Class[name=n] ->
"public class " + <n> + "{"
The pattern in the rule ToJava matches instances of Class and matches the name of the class with the variable 'n'. Two documents are composed using the '+' operator. Supplying the class Element to this rule (firing and displaying the result) produces:
public class Element {
Indentation in a document is produced using the matching directives ->[ and ]:
@Rule ToJava Class[name=n] ->
"public class " + <n> + "{" +
->[ nl +
"public String state;"
] + nl +
Supplying Element to the above rule produces:
public class Element {
public String state;
The nl directive produces a newline and tabs to the current level of indentation. Collections are processed using the { and } directives:
@Rule ToJava Class[name=n,attributes=A] ->
"public class " + <n> + "{" +
->[ nl +
"public String state;" + nl
{ <A> <map> nl empty }
] + nl +
The { and } contain four components { S M C D } where: S defines the collection; M defines a mapping that is applied to each element of S in turn; C is a document combinator and D is a default document. The easiest way to understand this construct is via an example. Given a collection S = {x,y,z} then { S M C D} produces C(M(x),C(M(y),M(z))). Given a collection S = {} then the default D is produced.

The collection component S may be a label or an expression. In the example above <A> is an expression where A is provided by the context of the rule firing. The mapping component M is an expression. The variable map always refers to the containing rule-base and therefore allows the rule base to be applied as part of a rule firing. The combiner nl causes the documents to be combined by joining them together with newlines. The document empty is just that. Note that nl and empty are builtin so we don't put < and > round them.

Suppose that C is a class with two attributes x and y of type String and Integer respectively. Using the above definition to transform C produces the following (assuming suitable rule definitions for attribute to field transformation):
public class C {
public String state;
String x;
int y;
The ToJava rule above is incomplete since there is no rule for mapping attributes, here they are:
@Rule MapStrAtt 
Attribute[name=n,type=NamedElement[name="String"]] ->
"String " + <n> + ";"
@Rule MapIntAtt
Attribute[name=n,type=NamedElement[name="Integer"]] ->
"int " + <n> + ";"
// More cases...
Labels can be used either by themselves in documents or as the source of collection templates (as in <A> above). Documents can be tagged with labels using 'emit'. Here are the class and attribute rules re-written to use labels:
@Rule ToJava Class[name=n,attributes=A] ->
"public class " + <n> + "{" +
->[ nl +
"public String state;" + nl
{ [n + "Atts"] <@Operation(a) map(a,n) end> nl empty }
] + nl +
@Rule MapStrAtt
className ->
emit[className + "Atts"]
"String " + <n> + ";"
Notice that the mapping components of the collection expression is modified to become an operation that supplies two elements to the mapping (a,n). Each attribute mapping rule has two inputs: the attribute and the name of the class. The attribute rule emits (and returns) a Java field definition. When a document is emitted against a label (in this case className + ``Atts''), it is added to the collection of documents for that label. When the resolution phase is performed, the collection expression will use all of the documents registered against the label.

This concludes the overview of the rule language for transforming model elements. The key features of element patterns are: constants; variables; object patterns with slots. The key features of the document patterns are: literal strings; delayed expressions in < ... >; combination with +; indentation and newlines with ->[ ... ] and nl; labels with [ ... ]; tagged documents using 'emit'; combining collections with { ...}.

Finally, the rules for the Java mapping are defined below. There are two rule bases. The first is used to map model types to Java types and the second is used to map packages, classes, attributes and state machines to Java classes. The first rule base is defined in its entirety below and the second is defined on a rule-by-rule basis.

Model types are named elements. The names must be mapped to the appropriate Java types. To simplify the example, sets and sequences are translated to vectors:
@RuleBase Types
@Rule String NamedElement[name='String'] ->
@Rule Integer NamedElement[name='Integer'] ->
@Rule Integer NamedElement[name='Boolean'] ->
@Rule Sequence Seq[elementType=t] ->
"Vector<" + <map(t)> + ">"
@Rule Set Set[elementType=t] ->
"Vector<" + <map(t)> + ">"
@Rule Default NamedElement[name=n] ->
A package is a collection of classes, associations and sub-packages. Each package gives rise to a document labelled with the name of the package. The contents of the document are produced by mapping the contents:
@Rule TranslatePackage 
Package[name=n,classes=C,associations=A,packages=P] ->
emit["Package-" + n]
{ <C> <map> nl empty } +
{ <A> <map> nl empty } +
{ <P> <map> nl empty }
A class is transformed into a Java class definition. Some of the components of the Java class can be produced directly from the model, other components are produced from model elements that originate elsewhere. The following rule uses labels as placeholders for the program code that is generated elsewhere. The comments in the rule describe each of the major components:
@Rule TranslateClass 
Class[name=n,attributes=A] ->
// Emit a labelled class definition...
emit["Class-" + n]
"class " + <n> + " {" +
// Indent the body of the definition...
->[ nl +
// Transitions define messages,
// each message defines a constant...
{ [n + "transitions"] id nl empty } + nl +
// Each attribute defines a simple-typed Java field...
{ <A> < @Operation(a) map(a,n) end> nl empty } + nl +
// Each instance has its own state...
"String state;" + nl +
// Attributes are defined by associations...
{ [n + "attributes"] id nl empty } + nl +
// Accessors and updaters are defined elsewhere...
{ [n + "accessors"] id nl empty } + nl +
{ [n + "updaters"] id nl empty } + nl +
// Each class has a message handler...
"public void send(int message,Object[] args) {" +
// Indent the body of the method...
->[ nl +
"switch(message) {" +
// Indent the body of the switch
->[ nl +
// Each transition produces a message case...
{ [n + "messages"] id nl empty } + nl +
// In case the message is not handled...
"default: throw new Error(\"No message \" + message);"
] + nl +
] + nl +
Each attribute defined by a class in the model produces an accessor, an updater and a Java field definition. The methods are labelled so that all accessors and updaters for the class are defined in the same place in the output. The field definition is returned:
@Rule TranslateAttribute Attribute[name=n,type=t],c ->
// Produce an accessor method for this field...
emit[c + "accessors"]
<Types.apply(t)> + " get" + <n> + "()" +
"{ return " + <n> + "; }"
// Produce an updater method for this field...
emit[c + "updaters"]
"void set" + <n> + "(" + <Types.apply(t)> + " " + <n> + ")" +
"{ this." + <n> + " = " + <n> + "; }"
// Produce the field definition...
<Types.apply(t)> + " " + <n> + ";"
An association consists of two ends; each end has a name and is attached to a type. An association produces a pair of field definitions in the Java classes and also adds accessors and updaters. The transformation is performed by the following two rules:
@Rule TranslateAssociation Association[end1=e1,end2=e2] ->
// Produce definitions for the class at end1...
// Produce definitions for the class at end2...
// Just for side effect...

@Rule TranslateEnd
End[name=n1,type=t1],End[name=n2,type=t2] ->
// produce a field definition for the class t1...
emit[ + "attributes"]
<Types.apply(t2)> + " " + <n2> + ";"
// Produce an accessor method for t1...
emit[ + "accessors"]
"public " + <Types.apply(t2)> + " get" + <n2> + "() { " +
->[ nl +
"return " + <n2> + ";" + nl
] + nl + "}"
// produce an updater for t1...
emit[ + "updaters"]
"public void set" + <n2> +
"(" + <Types.apply(t2)> + " " + <n2> + ") { " +
->[ nl +
"this." + <n2> + " = " + <n2> + ";" + nl
] + nl + "}"
A state machine belongs to a class and defines states and transitions. The state machine is implemented in Java as an enumerated type for the messages and as a message handling method. Each transition defines what happens when an instance of the class receives a message. A message is defined as an enumerated type implemented as a bunch of constants in the class. A transition is implemented as a case in the message handling method. The rest of the rules define the transformation of a state machine to its implementation.
@Rule TranslateMachine StateMachine[class=c,states=S,trans=T] ->
// Translate the messages to constants. Use ->asSet
// to remove duplicate message names...
// translate the transitions to message handling cases...
The following rules produce constant definitions for the messages used by the state machine:
@Rule TranslateMessages allMessages,Seq{message|messages},class ->
// Produce a constant (use the position
// of the name as its value)...
// Map the rest of the messages...
@Rule NoMessagesLeft allMessages,Seq{},class ->
// No messages, requires no constants...
@Rule TranslateMessage message,Class[name=className],index ->
// Produce a constant with value index...
emit[className + "transitions"]
"public static int " + <message> + " = " + <index> + ";"
Finally, each transition produces a case entry in the message handling method of the class. The case checks that the receiver is in the correct state and that the guard is true. If so then the action is performed and the receiver changes to the target state:
@Rule TranslateTrans Seq{
Trans[source=s, // Source state name
target=t, // Target state name
message=m, // Message name
condition=p, // Condition (Java code)
action=a // Action (Java code)
] | T}, // T is more transitions
c -> // Class that owns the transition
// Produce a case definition for the message handling
// method for class c...
emit[ + "messages"]
// This case handles the message m...
"case " + <> + "." + <m> + ":" +
->[ nl +
// check we are in the appropriate state s and
// the predicate p is true...
"if(state.equals(" + <str(s)> + ") && " + <p> + ")" +
->[ nl +
// Perform the action...
<a> + ";" + nl +
// Change to the target state...
"state = " + <str(t)> + ";"
// Break out of the switch...
] + nl + "break;"
// Translate the rest of the transitions...

@Rule TranslateNoTrans Seq{},c ->
// The base case...


The previous section has defined the syntax of a language for pattern directed document generation rules. The language addresses the code generation composition problem whereby the structure of the input model elements does not match the structure of the output code. Labels are used to tag the generated code (or document templates) and to define placeholders that are then resolved in a subsequent phase.

This section defines the rule-based document generation language. There are several parts to the definition: the language of patterns, the language of documents and the label resolution mechanism. Each of these are explained in turn.

Implementation 1: Pattern Matching


The figure above shows the definition of a pattern language. Patterns occur frequently in language definitions where it is useful to extract elements from data depending on the structure of the data. When this is a requirement is it almost always cost effective to define a pattern language and a pattern matching mechanism that it is to write the corresponding program code that extracts the elements each time they are required. For example, the pattern:
is equivalent to the code:
if element.isKindOf(C)
if element.x = 10
then // bind "v" to 10
else // fail match
else // fail match
Given that patterns can involve multiple elements and can be nested, the saving in terms of code is quite significant. Furthermore, modelling the pattern language provides other benefits. The language becomes circumscribed and its processing can be very effectively controlled. For example error handling can be reported in terms of the original patterns and not the implementation of the patterns. Optimizations for pattern matching can be universally and retrospectively applied. The patterns can be translated to other implementation platforms, for example by exporting to a programming language.

The simplified grammar for patterns is shown below:
Constant ::=
s = Str { Const(s) }
| i = Int { Const(i) }
| 'true' { Const(true) }
| 'false' { Const(false) }.
EmptySeq ::= '}' { Const(Seq{}) }.
HeadTail ::= h = Pattern '|' t = Pattern '}' { Pair(h,t) }.
Pair ::= 'Seq{' (HeadTail | EmptySeq).
Path ::= p = ('::' Name)* { p }.
Pattern ::=
| n = Name NameTail^(n)
| Pair.
NameTail(n) ::=
p = Path '[' s = Slots ']' { Object(Seq{n|p},s) }
| { Var(n) }.
Slots ::=
s = Slot ss = (',' Slot)* { Seq{s | ss} }
| { Seq{} }.
Slot ::= n = Name '=' p = Pattern { Slot(n,p) }.
Given an element and a pattern, matching is implemented as a mechanism that constructs an environment of variable bindings. Each binding associates a variable with a value such that substituting each variable for its value in the pattern produces the original element. For example, given the pattern:
and an instance o of C such that o.x = 10 and o.y = 20 then the environment associating y with 20 allows the pattern to be equivalent to the element o. The mechanism is implemented by defining a match operation for each of the pattern classes. Each operation is called match and expects two arguments: the value to be matched and the current variable binding environment. The result of the match is either the variable binding environment or null, if the match fails. For constants:
context Const
@Operation match(value,env)
if value = self.value
then env
else null
A variable pattern matches anything:
context Var
@Operation match(value,env)
A pair pattern must match a sequence (and not an empty sequence since that is treated as a constant) such that the head and tail of the pattern matches the corresponding elements of the value:
context Pair
@Operation match(value,env)
if value.isReallyKindOf(Seq(Element)) and
not value = Seq{}
env := head.match(value->head,env);
if env <> null
then tail.match(value->tail,env)
else env
else null
An object pattern matches an instance of the appropriate class where all the slot patterns match the appropriate slot values:
context Object
@Operation match(value,env)
if value.isReallyKindOf(self.classifier())
@For slot in slots do
if env <> null
then env := slot.match(value,env)
else null
Each slot matches the appropriate slot value:
context Slot
@Operation match(object,env)
if object.hasSlot(name)
then pattern.match(object.get(name),env)
else null

Implementation 2: Documents

Once patterns have matched a collection of elements, document templates are produced in the context of the matched environment. The document model is shown below:

The model is used in three ways: to represent document patterns in rules; to represent document templates; to represent document displays. The difference between these three uses is: patterns may contain delayed expressions; templates may contain unresolved labels; document displays contain no unresolved labels and no delayed expressions.

The classes in the model match the constructs in the language examples from the previous section. The following classes are worth noting: the source, mapper and combiner of a collect are classes that are specialized in specific ways for different kinds of builtin collection operations; Label is a class that is either specialized as a delayed label or a literal label.

Delayed document components are used to allow arbitrary expressions to be embedded. The expressions are to be evaluated when the document is created in the context of the environment produced by successful pattern matching. When the delayed document is created, the expression is turned into an operation whose arguments correspond to the variable names used in the expression. Delayed components include: source, mapper and combiner of a collect; a delayed document; and a delayed label.

The grammar for documents is shown below:
@Grammar extends OCL::OCL.grammar
Doc(FV) ::= d = AtomicDoc^(FV) DocTail^(FV,d).
AtomicDoc(FV) ::=
| Delayed^(FV)
| Emit^(FV)
| Empty
| Newline
| Ref^(FV)
| Literal
| Indent^(FV)
| Label^(FV).
DocTail(FV,d1) ::=
'+' d2 = Doc^(FV) { Order(d1,d2) }
| { d1 }.
Build(FV) ::=
'{' s = Source^(FV)
m = Map^(FV)
c = Combiner d = Doc^(FV)
'}' {
Source(FV) ::=
| DelayedSource^(FV).
LabelSource(FV) ::= '[' e = Exp ']' op = DocOp^(FV,e) {
Map(FV) ::=
'<' e = DelayedExp '>' op = DocOp^(FV,e) {
DelayedMapper(op) }
| 'id' { IdMap() }.
DelayedSource(FV) ::= '<' e = Exp '>' op = DocOp^(FV,e) {
Combiner ::=
'nl' { CombineWithNewlines() }
| 'ignore' { Ignore() }.
Label(FV) ::= '[' e = Exp ']' op = DocOp^(FV,e) {
Delayed(FV) ::= '<' e = Exp '>' op = DocOp^(FV,e) {
Emit(FV) ::= 'emit' l = Label^(FV) d = Doc^(FV) {
Empty ::= 'empty' { Empty() }.
Newline ::= 'nl' { Newline() }.
Ref(FV) ::= '!' l = Label^(FV) { Ref(l) }.
Literal ::= s = Str { Literal(s) }.
Indent(FV) ::= '->' '[' d = Doc^(FV) ']' {
DocOp(FV,e) ::= { DocOp(FV,e) }.
The document grammar extends the OCL grammar in order to refer to the Exp grammar rule for delayed document components. Many of the grammar clauses for Doc are parameterized with respect to a set of free variables. This feature allows delayed expressions to be transformed into operations where the arguments of the operation are the intersection of the free variables referenced in the expression and those bound in the current pattern environment. For example, the rule:
@Rule Class[name=n] -> "class " + <toUpper(n)> end
contains a delayed expression: toUpper(n). The delayed expression contains two free variables: toUpper and n. However, when the rule fires, only one of the free variables (n) will be bound in the pattern matching environment. The delayed expression is translated by the parser into an operation:
@Operation(n) toUpper(n) end
where the arguments (n) are calculated as the intersection of the free variables in the body {toUpper,n} and the variables bound by the pattern {n}. Patterns implement an operation FV that calculates the set of variables bound by the pattern; this set is supplied to the Doc clauses. The set FV is ultimately used in the clause DocOp that creates an instance of the class DocOp. A DocOp is just like a normal operation except that its arguments are calculated by taking the intersection of the FV and and free variables of its body.

The rest of the Doc grammar should be self explanatory. Note that some classes are used that are not shown in the document model above. These are sub-classes of Label and collection classes; they capture various special cases and associate them with special purpose syntax.

Implementation 3: Rules and Rule Bases

The figure below shows the model of rules and rule bases:

Rule Model

A rule consists of a sequence of patterns and a sequence of documents. A rule base is a sequence of rules that will be tried in turn when the rule base is supplied with elements. A rule base has a table that is used to hold associations between labels and documents when rules are fired. On the resolution pass, labels are replaced with their documents from the table. The table also allows particular documents to be indexed by their name; for example only part of a document in a large model can be re-generated.

The rest of this section describes how rules are fired and then the resulting document is produced by resolving labels. Argument elements are supplied to a rule base via the operation apply defined below.

Each rule is applied to the args in turn until one is enabled by returning a non-null environment. When this occurs the rule is fired, supplying the environment to the rule. Notice that the environment is extended with a binding for 'map' which allows the document to call the rule-base again:
context RuleBase
@Operation apply(args)
let done = false;
result = null
in @For rule in R when not done do
let env = rule.match(args,Seq{})
in if env <> null
let env = env->bind("map",
in done := true;
result :=,table)
if not done
then self.error(formats("No rule for (~{,~;~S~}~%",Seq{args}))
else result
Rules are matched using the match operation defined below which, in turn, calls the match operation for each of the patterns:
context Rule
@Operation match(values,env)
if args->size = values->size
@For arg,value in args,values do
if env <> null
then env := arg.match(value,env)
else null

Implementation 4: Forcing Delayed Documents

A rule is fired by forcing its documents. Forcing a document causes all of the delayed expressions to be evaluated and all 'emit' documents to update the rule-base table:
context Rule
@Operation fire(env,table)
let result = null
in @For doc in docs do
result := doc.force(env,table)
Forcing a document achieves two tasks:
Each document class defines a force operation that expects an environment and a table. The environment is produces by the pattern matching and contains values for free variables referenced in the delayed expressions. The table is used to associate labels and documents produced by 'emit'. Many of the force operations just force the sub-components, for example:
context Collect
@Operation force(env,table)
// Just return the collect with the
// components forced...
Delayed expressions are implemented by associating documents with operations. The arguments of the operation define the free variables that must be supplied by the pattern matching environment. Components with delayed expressions are implemented in the same way. Here is the implementation of force for a delayed expression that occurs in source code as <...>:
context Delayed
@Operation force(env,table)
// Get the bindings from the environment that provide values
// for the parameter names of the operation...
let args = operation.paramNames()
->collect(name |
env->lookup(name.toString())) then
// Force the delayed expression by supplying the argument
// values...
value = operation.invoke(self,args)
in // Coerce the return value to be a document...
Doc do
else Literal(value.toString())
Finally, an emit document updates the table:
context Emit
@Operation force(env,table)
// Force the label...
let label = label.force(env) then
name = label.label();
// Force the body...
doc = doc.force(env,table)
in // Extend the table with an entry for the label...
if table.hasKey(name)
then table.put(name,table.get(name) + Seq{doc})
else table.put(name,Seq{doc})

Implementation 5: Displaying Documents

Once rules have been fired and all documents have been forced, the result is a table that associates labels with document templates. A document template may contain label references; it is translated to a document by replacing all the references. This is done using the display operation of the rule base as shown below:
@Operation display(label:String)
// Display the document with the given label...
if table.hasKey(label)
// Use a string output buffer because there may be
// lots of output...
let buffer = Buffer(1000,true)
in table.get(label)->at(0).display(0,table,buffer);
else self.error("No label in table: " + label)
Each of the document classes defined an operation called display that takes three arguments: the current level of indentation; the table associating labels with document templates and an output buffer. Each of the document classes implements the display operation differently. The rest of this section describes how the documents are displayed.

The Collect class expects the collect source to produce a sequence of documents, each of which is mapped and then combined to produce a final single document that is displayed:
@Operation display(indent,table,buffer)
source.elements(table)->iterate(element doc = doc |
A label reference requires that the label name is a key in the table. The table should associate a collection of documents with the label name; labels are used to reference the first element (collection documents are used to combine multiple document entries in the table):
@Operation display(indent,table,buffer)
if table.hasKey(label)
then table.get(label)->at(0).display(indent,table,buffer)
else self.error("Label: cannot find label " + label)
A NewLine causes a new-line character to be added to the output buffer. After each new-line, the current level of indentation is achieved by adding the appropriate number of spaces:
@Operation display(indent,table,buffer)
Ordered documents just display the first and then the second:
@Operation display(indent,table,buffer)