A Command Language



When modelling applications there is often a requirement for some kind of command language. UML, for example, has state machines where the actions on the transitions are written in an action language and describe what happens to the state of the system when the transitions are fired. One way of providing support for actions in a model is to allow the user to write commands in their favourite programming language; the commands are represented in the model as strings. This is a very weak form of command language, since the strings cannot be processed easily by the modelling engines. Typically they cannot be performed at all until the models are exported as program code, where the command strings are simply embedded in the output.

More flexibility is provided by modelling the command language. The model instances can then be intereted by an engine as part of performing the overall model. Furthermore, since the commands are modelled, they can be analysed in various ways and transformed to different target implementation languages rather than being limited to one.

This chapter is concerned with writing interpreters (translators and compilers) for a command language. When defining an interpretive semantics for a language there is often a similar language at hand (at least the language in which the interpreter is written).There is a choice choice as to whether the syntax structures are directly interpreted or whether they are translated to syntax phrases in the existing language. The advantage of a translational approach is that the execution engine for the target language already exists and is probably more efficient than any interpreter we could write for the source language.

Compilers are translators for languages where the target language is usually highly optimized and very different from the source language. In principle, however, there is no essential difference between a transator and a compiler. A language that uses the translational approach to target a sub-language of itself is often referred to as desugaring the source language.

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XCom - A Simple Command Language

XCom is a simple command language with values that are either records or are atomic. An atomic data value is a string, integer or boolean. A record is a collection of named values. XCom is block-structured where blocks contain type definitions and value definitions. XCom has simple control structures: conditional statements and loops. The following is a simple example XCom program that builds a list of even numbers from 2 to 100:
type Pair is head tail end
type Nil is end
value length is 100 end
value list is new Nil end
while length > 0 do
if length % 2 = 0
value pair is new Pair end
pair.head := length;
pair.tail := list;
list := pair;
length := length - 1;
XCom expressions evaluate to produce XCom values. Values are defined in the Values package and which is the semantic domain for XCom. Values are either atomic: integers (instances of Values::Int) and booleans (instances of Values::Bool) , or are records (instances of Values::Record). We use a simple representation for records: a sequence of values indexed by names. XCom records are created by instantiating XCom record types. A record type is a sequence of names. Types raise an interesting design issue: should the types be included as part of the semantic domain since evaluation of certain XCom program phrases give rise to types that are used later in the execution to produce records. The answer to the question involves the phase distinction that occurs between static analysis (or execution) and dynamic execution. Types are often viewed as occurring only during static analysis; although this is not always the case.

Operations are defined on values in the semantic domain that will be used by the execution mechanism, for example:
context Bool
@Operation binAnd(Bool(b))
Bool(value and b)
context Bool
@Operation binOr(Bool(b))
Bool(value or b)
context Int
@Operation binAdd(Int(n))
Int(value + n)
Record types are sequences of names. Records are sequences of values indexed by names; the names are found by navigating to the type of the record:
context Record
@Operation lookup(name:String)
context Record
@Operation update(name:String,value:Element)
A new record is produced by performing a new expression. The type to instantiate is given as a string. An alternative representation for types in new expressions would be to permit an arbitrary expression that evaluates to produce a type. This design choice would rule out static typing and force the language to have dynamic types. We wish to use XCom to illustrate the difference between dynamic and static types in semantic definitions so we use strings to name types in  new-expressions:

The concrete syntax of expressions is defined by the XBNF grammar for the class Exp:

// Start at Exp. Logical operators bind weakest.

Exp ::=

e = ArithExp

[ op = LogicalOp l = Exp { BinExp(op,e,l) } ].

LogicalOp ::=

'and' { "and" }

| 'or' { "or" }.

// The '.' for field ref binds tighter than '+' etc.

ArithExp ::=

e = FieldRef

[ op = ArithOp a = FieldRef { BinExp(op,e,a) } ].

ArithOp ::=

'+' { "+" }.

// A field reference '.' optionally follows an atomic expression.

FieldRef ::=

e = Atom

( '.' n = Name { FieldRef(e,n) }

| { e }


// Atomic expressions can be arbitrary exps if in ( and ).

Atom ::=


| Var

| New

| '(' Exp ')'.

Const ::=


| BoolConst.

IntConst ::=

i = Int

{ Const(i) }.

BoolConst ::=

'true' { Const(true) }

| 'false' { Const(false) }.

Var ::=

n = Name { Var(n) }.

New ::=

'new' n = Name { New(n) }.

XCom statements are used to:
A block (as in Pascal or C) contains local definitions. Names introduced in a block are available for the rest of the statements in the block (including sub-blocks) but are not available when control exits from the block. A declaration introduces either a type or a value binding. A type declaration associates a type name with a sequence of field names. To keep things simple we don't associate fields with types. A value declaration associates a name with a new value. The value is produced by performing an expression at run-time. A while statement involves a test and a body. An if statement involves a test, a then-part and an else-part:
@Grammar extends Exp.grammar

Statement ::=

| Declaration
| While
| If
| Update
| FieldUpdate.

Block ::=


s = Statement*


{ Block(s) }.

Declaration ::=

| ValueDeclaration.

TypeDeclaration ::=


n = Name

'is' ns = Name*


{ TypeDeclaration(n,ns) }.

ValueDeclaration ::=


n = Name

'is' e = Exp


{ ValueDeclaration(n,e) }.

FieldUpdate ::=

e = Exp

'.' n = Name

':=' v = Exp ';'

FieldUpdate(e,n,v) }.

While ::=


e = Exp

'do' s = Statement


While(e,s) }.

If ::=

'if' e = Exp

'then' s1 = Statement

'else' s2 = Statement


If(e,s1,s2) }.

Update ::=

 n = Name

':=' e = Exp ';'

Update(n,e) }.

To top.

An Evaluator for XCom

As described in the introducion we are interested in defining XCom operational semantics. We will do this in a number of different ways in the rest of this note. The first, and possibly most straightforward, approach is to define an interpreter for XCom in the XOCL language. This involves writing an eval operation for each of the XCom syntax classes. The eval operation must be parameterized with respect to any context information that is required to perform the evaluation. An XCom program  p is then evaluated in a context e by: p.eval(e).

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Evaluating Expressions

Expression evaluation is defined by adding eval operations to each class. This section defines the eval operation:
context Const
@Operation eval(env)
Boolean do Bool(value) end
Integer do Int(value) end
Evaluation of a variable involves looking up the current value. The value is found in the current context of evaluation: this must contain associations between variable names and their values:
context Var
@Operation eval(env)
Evaluation of a binary expression involves evaluation of the sub-expressions and then selecting an operation based on the operation name. The following shows how XCom semantics is completely based on XOCL semantics since + in XCom is performed by + in XOCL:
context BinExp
@Operation eval(env)
@Case op of
"and" do left.eval(env).binAnd(right.eval(env)) end
"or" do left.eval(env).binOr(right.eval(env)) end
"+" do left.eval(env).binAdd(right.eval(env)) end
Creation of new records is performed by evaluaing a new expression. The interpreter has dynamic types so the type to instantiate is found by looking up the type name in the current environment:
context New
@Operation eval(env)
Field reference is defined as follows:
context FieldRef
@Operation eval(env)
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Evaluating Statements

XCom statements are performed in order to introduce new names, control flow or to update a record field. Statements are defined to evaluate in a context and must observe the rules of scope that require variables are local to the block that introduces them. The context of execution is an environment; evaluation of a statement may update the supplied environment, so statement evaluation returns an environment:
context ValueDeclaration
@Operation eval(env)
A type declaration extends the supplied environment with a new type:
context TypeDeclaration
@Operation eval(env)
A block must preserve the supplied environment when its evaluation is complete. Each statement in the block is performed in turn and may update the current environment:
context Block
@Operation eval(originalEnv)
let env = originalEnv
in @For statement in statements do
env := statement.eval(env)
A while statement continually performs the body while the test expression returns true. A while body is equivalent to a block; so any updates to the supplied environment that are performed by the while body are discarded on exit:
context While
@Operation eval(originalEnv)
let env = orginalEnv
in @While test.eval(env).value do
env := body.eval(env)
An if statement conditionally performs one of its sub-statements:
context If
@Operation eval(env)
if test.eval(env).value
then thenPart.eval(env)
else elsePart.eval(env)
XCom update uses XOCL update to change the  field value:
context FieldUpdate
@Operation eval(env)
context Update
@Operation eval(env)
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A Translator for XCom with Dynamic Types

The previous section defines an interpreter for XCom. This is an appealing way to define the operational semantics of a language because the rules of evaluation work directly on the abstract syntax structures. However the resulting interpreter can often be very inefficient. Furthermore, an interpreter can lead to an evaluation phase distinction.

Suppose that XCom is to be embedded in XOCL. XOCL has its own interpretive mechanism (the XMF VM); at the boundary between XOCL and XCom the XOCL interpretive mechanism must hand over to the XCom interpreter -- the XCom code that is performed is a data structure, a completely alien format to the VM. This phase distinction can lead to problems when using standard tools, such as save and load mechanisms, with respect to the new language. For example a mechanism that can save XOCL code to disk cannot be used to save XCom code to disk (it can, however, be used to save the XCom interpreter to disk).

An alternative strategy is to translate the source code of XCom to a language for which we have an efficient implementation. No new interpretive mechanism is required and no phase distinction arises. Translation provides the opportunity for static analysis (since translation is performed prior to executing the program). As we mentioned earlier, static analysis can translate out any type information from XCom programs; the resulting program does not require run-time types.

Since static analysis requires a little more work, this section describes a simple translation from XCom to XOCL that results in run-time types; the subsequent section showshow this can be extended to analyse types statically and remove them from the semantic domain.

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Translating Expressions

Translation is defined by adding a new operation desugar} to each sbatract syntax class. There is no static analysis, so the operation does not require any arguments. The result of the operation is a value of type Performable which is the type of elements that can be executed by the XMF execution engine. An XCom constant is translated to an XOCL constant:
context Const
@Operation desugar1():Performable
An XCom binary expression is translated to an XOCL binary expression. Note that the sub-expressions are also translated:
context BinExp
@Operation desugar1():Performable
@Case op of
"and" do [| <left.desugar1()> and <right.desugar1()> |] end
"or" do [| <left.desugar1()> and <right.desugar1()> |] end
"+" do [| <left.desugar1()> + <right.desugar1()> |] end
An XCom new expression involves a type name. Types will be bound to the appropriate variable name in the resulting XOCL program; so the result of translation is just a message new sent to the value of the variable whose name is the type name:
context New
@Operation desugar1():Performable
[| <OCL::Var(type)>.new() |]
XCom variables are translated to XOCL variables:
context Var
@Operation desugar1():Performable
XCom field references are translated to the appropriate call on a record:
context FieldRef
@Operation desugar1():Performable
[| <value.desugar1()>.ref(<StrExp(name)>) |]
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Translating Statements

An XCom statement can involve local blocks. The equivalent XOCL expression that provides local definitions is let. A let expression consists of a name, a value expression and a body expression. Thus, in order to translate an XCom declaration to an XOCL let we need to be passed the body of the let. This leads to a translational style for XCom commands called continuation passing where each desugar1 operation is supplied with the XOCL command that will be performed next.

A type declaration is translated to a local definition for the type name. Note that the expression names.lift() translates the sequence of names to an expression that, when performed, produces the same sequence of names: list is a means of performing evaluation in reverse:
context TypeDeclaration
@Operation desugar1(next:Performable):Performable
[| let <name> = Type(<names.lift()>)
in <next>
end |]
A value declaration is translated to a local decinition:
context ValueDeclaration
@Operation desugar1(next:Performable):Performable
[| let <name> = <value.desugar1()>
in <next>
end |]
A block requires each sub-statement to be translated in turn. Continuation passing allows us to chain together the sequence of statements and nest the local definitions appropriately. The following auxiliary operation is used to implement block-translation:
context Statements
@Operation desugar1(statements,next:Performable):Performable
@Case statements of
Seq{} do
Seq{statement | statements} do
Translation of a block requires that the XOCL local definitions are kept local. Therefore, the sub-statements are translated by chaining them together and with a final continuation of null. Placing the result in sequence with {\tt next} ensures that any definitions are local to the block.
context Block
@Operation desugar1(next:Performable):Performable
[| <desugar1(statements,[| null |])> ;
<next> |]
A while statement is translated to the equivalent expression in XOCL:
context While
@Operation desugar1(next:Performable):Performable
[| @While <test.desugar1()>.value do
<next> |]
An if statement is translated to an equivalent expression in XOCL:
context If
@Operation desugar1(next:Performable):Performable
[| if <test.desugar1()>.value
then <thenPart.desugar1(next)>
else <elsePart.desugar1(next)>
end |]
Updates use XOCL update:
context FieldUpdate
@Operation desugar1(next:Performable):Performable
[| <record.desugar1()>.update(<StrExp(name)>,<value.desugar1()>);
<next> |]
context Update
@Operation desugar1(next:Performable):Performable
[| <name> := <value.desugar1()>;
<next> |]
To top.

A Translator for XCom with Static Types

It is usual for languages to have a static (or compile time) phase and a dynamic (or run time) phase. Many operational features of the language can be performed statically. This includes type analysis: checking that types are defined before they are used and allocating appropriate structures when instances of types are created. This section shows how the translator for XCom to XOCL from the previous section can be modified so that type analysis is performed and so that types do not occur at run-time.

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Translating Expressions

Since types will no longer occur at run-time we will simplify the semantic domain slightly and represent records as a-lists. An a-list is a sequence of pairs, the first element of each pair is a ket and the second element is a value. In this case a record is an a-list where the keys are field name strings. XOCL provides operations defined on sequences that are to be used as a-lists: l->lookup(key) and l->set(key,value).

The context for static analysis is a type environment. Types now occur at translation time instead of run-time therefore that portion of the run-time context that would contain associations between type names and types occurs during translation. Translation of a constant is as for desugar1. Translation of binary expressions is as for desugar1 except that all translation is performed by desugar2:
context BinExp
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env):Performable
@Case op of
"and" do
[| <left.desugar2(typeEnv)> and
<right.desugar2(typeEnv)> |]
"or" do
[| <left.desugar2(typeEnv)> or
<right.desugar2(typeEnv)> |]
"+" do
[| <left.desugar2(typeEnv)> +
<right.desugar2(typeEnv)> |] end
Translation of a variable is as before. A new expression involves a reference to a type name. The types occur at translation time and therefore part of the evaluation of new can occur during translation. The type should occur in the supplied type environment; the type contains the sequence of field names. The result of translation is an XOCL expression that constructs an a-list based on the names of the fields in the type. The initial value for each field is null:
context New
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env):Performable
if typeEnv.binds(type)
let type = typeEnv.lookup(type)
in type.names->iterate(name exp = [| Seq{} |] |
[| <exp>->bind(<StrExp(name)>,null) |])
else self.error("Unknown type " + type)
A field reference expression is translated to an a-list lookup expression:
context FieldRef
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env):Performable
[| <value.desugar2(typeEnv)>->lookup(<StrExp(name)>) |]
To top.

Translating Statements

A statement may contain a local type definition. We have already discussed continuation passing with respect to desugar1 where the context for translation includes the next XOCL expression to perform. The desugar2 operation cannot be supplied with the next XOCL expression because this will depend on whether or not the current statement extends the type environment. Therefore, in desugar2 the continuation is an operation that is awaiting a type environment and produces the next XOCL expression. A type declaration binds the type at translation time and supplies the extended type environment to the continuation:
context TypeDeclaration
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env,next:Operation):Performable
A value declaration introduces a new local definition; the body is created by supplying the unchanged type environment to the continuation:
context ValueDeclaration
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env,next:Operation):Performable
[| let <name> = <value.desugar2(typeEnv)>
in <next(typeEnv)>
end |]
Translation of a block involves translation of a sequence of sub-statements. The following auxiliary operation ensures that the continuations are chained together correctly:
context Statements
@Operation desugar2(statements,typeEnv,next):Performable
@Case statements of
Seq{} do
Seq{statement | statements} do
A block is translated to a sequence of statements where local definitions are implemented using nested let expressions in XOCL. The locality of the definitions is maintained by sequencing the block statements and the continuation expression:
context Block
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env,next:Operation):Performable
[| <desugar2(
[| null |]
<next(typeEnv)> |]
A while statement is translated so that the XOCL expression is in sequence with the expression produced by the contintuation:
context While
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env,next:Operation):Performable
[| @While <test.desugar2(typeEnv)>.value do
<body.desugar2(typeEnv,@Operation(typeEnv) [| null |] end)>
<next(typeEnv)> |]
The if statement is translated to an equivalent XOCL expression:
context If
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env,next:Operation):Performable
[| if <test.desugar2(typeEnv)>.value
then <thenPart.desugar2(typeEnv,next)>
else <elsePart.desugar2(typeEnv,next)>
end |]
Updates are translated as follows:
 context FieldUpdate
 @Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env,next:Operation):Performable
[| <record.desugar2(typeEnv)>.update(
<next(typeEnv)> |]

context Update
@Operation desugar2(typeEnv:Env,next:Operation):Performable
[| <name> := <value.desugar2(typeEnv)>;
<next(typeEnv)> |]
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Compiling XCom

The previous section shows how to perform static type anslysis while translating XCom to XOCL. XOCL is then translated to XMF VM instructions by the XOCL compiler (another translation process). The result is that XCom cannot to anything that XOCL cannot do. Whilst this is not a serious restriction, there may be times where a new language wishes to translate directly to the XMF VM that XOCL does not support. This section shows how XCom can be translated directly to XMF VM instructions.

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Compiling Expressions

context Exp
@AbstractOp compile(typeEnv:Env,valueEnv:Seq(String)):Seq(Instr)

context Const
@Operation compile(typeEnv,valueEnv)
Boolean do
if value
then Seq{PushTrue()}
else Seq{PushFalse()}
Integer do

context Var
@Operation compile(typeEnv,valueEnv)
let index = valueEnv->indexOf(name)
in if index < 0
then self.error("Unbound variable " + name)
else Seq{LocalRef(index)}

context BinExp
@Operation compile(typeEnv,valueEnv):Seq(Instr)
left.compile(typeEnv,valueEnv) +
right.compile(typeEnv,valueEnv) +
@Case op of
"and" do Seq{And()} end
"or" do Seq{Or()} end
"+" do Seq{Add()} end

context New
@Operation compile(typeEnv,valueEnv):Seq(Instr)

context FieldRef
@Operation compile(typeEnv,valueEnv):Seq(Instr)
PushStr(name)} +
value.compile(typeExp,valueExp) +
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Compiling Statements

context Statement
@AbstractOp compile(typeEnv:Env,varEnv:Seq(String),next:Operation):Seq(Instr)

context TypeDeclaration
@Operation compile(typeEnv,varEnv,next)

context ValueDeclaration
@Operation compile(typeEnv,varEnv,next)
value.compile(typeEnv,varEnv) +
Pop()} +
next(typeEnv,varEnv + Seq{name})

context Statements
@Operation compile(statements,typeEnv,varEnv,next)
@Case statements of
Seq{} do
Seq{statement | statements} do

context Block
@Operation compile(typeEnv,varEnv,next)

context While
@Operation compile(typeEnv,varEnv,next)
Seq{Noop("START")} +
test.compile(typeEnv,varEnv) +
Seq{SkipFalse("END")} +
end) +
Seq{Skip("START")} +
Seq{Noop("END")} +
To top.

Flow Graphs

The previous section has shown how to represent the abstract syntax of XCom as textual concrete syntax. We would like to compare this to a graphical concrete syntax for XCom and show how the XCom programs can be developed graphically rather than textually.

Flow Graphs are a standard way of representing imperative programs. Flow graph nodes are labelled with either program statements or boolean expressions. Flow graph edges are labelled with next if the edge represents the control flow between statements, true if the edge represents the control flow arising when a test succeeds, and false if the edge represents the flow from a test failure.

The following figure shows an example flow graph corresponding to the original example XCom program:


 Note that a while loop is represented as a test node whose true edge eventually leads back to the test node. XMF provides a packages called Graph that provides a basic collection of graph structures and operations. A graph node is created: Node(l) where l is the label on the graph node. A graph edge is created: Edge(l,s,t) where  l is the label on the edge, s is the source node for the edge and t is the target node for the edge. A graph is created: Graph(N,E) where N is a set of nodes and E is a set of edges. The graph is constructed as follows where classes Node and Edge have been specialized appropriately:
let n1 = Statement("type Pair is head tail end");
n2 = Statement("type Nil is end");
n3 = Statement("value length is 100 end");
n4 = Statement("value list is new Nil end");
n5 = Guard("length > 0");
n6 = Guard("length % 2 = 0");
n7 = Statement("value pair is new Pair end");
n8 = Statement("pair.head := length;");
n9 = Statement("pair.tail := list;");
n10 = Statement("list := pair;");
n11 = Statement("length := length - 1;");
n12 = Statement("skip") then
e1 = Next(n1,n2);
e2 = Next(n2,n3);
e3 = Next(n3,n4);
e4 = Next(n4,n5);
e5 = True(n5,n6);
e6 = True(n6,n7);
e7 = Next(n7,n8);
e8 = Next(n8,n9);
e9 = Next(n9,n10);
e11 = Next(n10,n11);
e12 = Next(n11,n5);
e13 = False(n6,n11);
e14 = False(n5,n12)
in Graph(Set{n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12},
Graphs provide an operation reduce that takes a node n and a sub-graph H such that G.reduce(n,H) produces a new graph that is the result of removing H from G, adding  n to the new graph and re-linking to n any edges left dangling when H is removed.

To top.

Flow Graph Patterns

Flow graphs can represent the control flow of a wide variety of different languages and are used to analyse the structure of programs. The basic elements of flow graphs are very low level - just nodes (representing statements and expressions) and edges (representing flow between computational states and the outcome of tests).

The low-level nature of flow-graphs gives rise to a weak correspondence language features. This is done by identifying patterns in flow-graphs; wherever the pattern occurs, it can be replaced by a single node. The choice of patterns depends on the collection of program features that we intend to work with. For the purposes of XCom we will capture the following patterns: P is a pair of statements performed in sequence; C is an if statement and W is a while-loop.

The rest of this section shows how the pattern matching facilities of XMF can be used to detect these patterns. We define a flow-graph aspect to XMF graphs by adding reduction operations to the class Gra. The simplest case is detecting and reducing a P node. This occurs when two statements are linked via a next edge. The reduction is shown below:


context Graph
@Operation reduceP():Graph
@Case self of
// Find two nodes with a then-edge
// between them, replace with a P
// node...
Graph(N->including(n1 = Statement())
->including(n2 = Statement()),
E->including(e = Next())
when e.source() = n1 and
e.target() = n2) do
// Otherwise, leave the receiver unchanged...
else self
A W pattern corresponds to a while loop and occurs when a test node has a true outcome that is a body statement whose next leads back to the test. The false outcome leads to some root node for the rest of execution. The reduction involves replacing the test and its body with a W node and adding a new next edge from the W node to the root. The reduction is shown below:

context Graph
@Operation reduceW():Graph
@Case self of
// Find a test node and a statement that are linked
// via a true outcome and a loop back to the test.
// Replace them with a W node ...
Graph(N->including(test = Guard())
->including(body = Statement())
E->including(enter = True())
->including(loop = Next())
->including(exit = False())
when enter.source() = test and
enter.target() = body and
exit.source() = test and
exit.target() = root and
loop.source() = body and
loop.target() = test) do
let Wnode = W(test,body);
H = Graph(Set{test,body),Set{enter,loop,exit}) then
newEdge = Next(Wnode,root)
in self.reduce(Wnode,H).addEdge(newEdge)
// Otherwise, leave the receiver unchanged...
else self
A C pattern corresponds to an if statement and occurs when there is a test node leading to two nodes both of which lead to a single root node. This forms a diamond pattern with the test node at one end. The test, then and else parts of the graph are removed and replaced with a C node. The reduction is shown below:


context Graph
@Operation reduceC():Graph
@Case self of
Graph(N->including(test = Guard())
E->including(trueEdge = True())
->including(falseEdge = False())
->including(endThen = Next())
->including(endElse = Next())
when trueEdge.source() = test and
trueEdge.target() = thenNode and
falseEdge.source() = test and
falseEdge.target() = elseNode and
endThen.source() = thenNode and
endThen.target() = root and
endElse.source() = elseNode and
endElse.target() = root) do
let Cnode = C(trueEdge,falseEdge);
H = Graph(Set{test,thenNode,elseNode},
Set(trueEdge,falseEdge,endThen,endElse}) then
e = Next(Cnode,root)
in self.reduce(Cnode,H).addEdge(e)
else self
Equality on graphs is defined in terms of the labels on the nodes and edges. Two graphs G and H are equal when they have the same number of nodes, when the respective sets of labels are equal, when the edges of G correspond to the edges of H in terms of the source and target nodes and when the respective sets of edge labels are equal.

Graph reduction can involve more than one step. For example, certain configurations of graph require a P reduction to occur before a C reduction can occur. In order to reduce a graph fully we continually perform a reduction until no further reductions can take place:
context Graph
@Operation reduce():Graph
let G = self.reduceP().reduceW().reduceC()
in if G.equals(self)
then G
else G.reduce()
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