Business Rules



Businesses are run in terms of various types of information. This includes resource information, marketing strategies, customer information, etc. A key part of the information underlying a business are the policies by which the business operates. Policies are the guidelines by which all components of the business are co-ordinated. Policies are used to determine what happens when various events take place within the business. Events include day-to-day occurrences such as new customer contact, and also include longer term strategic events such as a company merger or implementing a new product.

Often the rules that drive a business are left implicit within the structure of the organisation. Some of the rules may be written down in company literature (such as an employee handbook) and others may simply be in the heads of individuals. There is significant advantage in producing a complete collection of the rules that drive a business. Once the rules are brought together in a uniform representation they can be analysed in terms of their impact on the business.

Representing the rules as executable models has added benefit: the rules can be used to simulate the business in different scenarios. By executing the business in terms of its models, it is possible to try out different strategies and to get a feel for the effect of changes to how the business operates. Furthermore, it may be possible to run certain parts of the business directly from the executable business rules; changes to the strategy can then be implemented directly by changing the rules.

Typically, business rule systems are event driven. The rules monitor business data; changes to the business data are detected as events by the rules which in turn fire actions that update the business data. For example, rules may monitor an invoice database; an event is raised when an invoice is received from a customer causing the rule to fire and an email to the appropriate sales manager is sent.

A rules engine must manage large collections of rules that monitor events across a very large amount of business information. A naive implementation of a business rules engine might run all rules against all the business data each time an event occurs. This is far too expensive because of the speed of change in many businesses and the combinations of data that must be checked.

Furtunately, the problem has been solved by a special type of matching algorithm called the Rete Algorithm that uses caching of partial matches to produce huge reductions in the amount of retesting required by a rule engine each time the data changes. This chapter describes how to develop language constructs for business rules and to implement a business rule engine using XOCL.

Example Business Rules


Consider the sales order information model shown in figure . This is part of a larger information model that is used to represent the state of a company at any moment in time. Customers initially contact the company with a sales order for a named product. If the customer does not already exist then they are added to the customers database. The order is then analysed to determine whether it can be met. An order can only be processed if the company has sufficient amount of the required product. If the order cannot be met then it is placed in the rejected orders database and the customer is informed by letter.

The order may also be rejected if the customer pais late. The company has a policy that requires payment for an order to be received within 30 days of the order being received. If the customer fail to satisfy this policy then they become marked and all subsequent orders are rejected until appropriate representations are made to senior management.

Once an order has been received and accepted, the product is packaged up and sent to the customer. On dispatching the goods, the order is moved to the completed orders database.

The order system described above includes an number of policies that can be expressed using business rules. Business rules are grouped into business aspects, the sales order processing system is such an aspect:
@RuleBase OrderProcessing
// Business Rules...
Each major policy that is used to drive the business is expressed as a rule. The following rule describes what happens when an order is received:
context OrderProcessing
(1) @Rule ReceiveOrder
(2) Company[c]
(3) Order[o]
(4) ? not c.hasOrder(o) end
(5) ->
(6) c.addToOrders(o)
The rule named ReceiveOrder is defined in line (1). It has a head (lines (2) - (4)) and a body (line(6)). The head of the rule describes a situation that may occur in the business. ReceieveOrder describes a situation where an order is received by the business but has not yet been entered into the orders database. Line (2) detects any company and associates the variable c with the company. Line (3) detects any order and associates variable o with it. Line (4) is a general condition that can be any XOCL expression using any of the variables in scope.

The body of a rule is an action that updates the current state of the business. ReceiveOrder has a body that updates the orders database. Line (6) is the action performed by the rule and may be any XOCL action. In this case the order is added to the company.

An order cannot be satisfied when there is insufficient product:
context OrderProcessing
@Rule UnableToSatisfyOrder
(1) Order[o,product=pName,customer=cName,amount=pRequested,delivered=0]
(2) Product[p,name=pName,amount=pAvailable]
(3) Customer[k,name=cName,paysLate=false]
(4) ? c.orders()->includes(o) end
(5) ? c.products()->includes(p) end
(6) ? c.customers()->includes(k) end
(7) ? pRequested > pAvailable end
-> c.deleteFromOrders(o);
The UnableToSatisfyorder rule matches a company, an order, a product and a customer and places consitions on the relationships between them. Line (1) matches any order whose delivered date is 0 (signifying that the order has yet to be delivered). The slots product, customer and amount are matahced to variables that are referenced elsewhere in the rule.

Line (2) matches a product whose name is referenced in the prodict in line (1). Line (3) matches a customer whose name matches that used in the order matched in line (1). The customer must pay on time for this business rule to apply. Lines (4 - 7) are conditions on the values of the variables matched in lines (1 - 3). In particular the condition on line (7) states that the requested amount of product exceeds the available amount and therefore the order cannot be satisfied.

The body of the UnableToSatisfyOrder removes the order from the orders database and adds it to the rejected orders database.

The company has a policy of rejecting orders from customers who pay late:
context OrderProcessing
@Rule RejectOrder
?c.orders()->includes(o) end
-> c.deleteFromOrders(o);
n order is completed when the sales staff update the database with the data of dispatch. At this point the order is removed from the orders database and added to the completed orders database. At this point the amount of product is reduced by the required amount:
context OrderProcessing
@Rule CompleteOrder
? dTime > 0 end
? c.orders()->includes(o) end
? c.products()->includes(p) end
-> c.deleteFromOrders(o);
p.setAmount(p.amount() - pRequested)
Finally, the company has a policy of marking customers who pay late. The payment period is set at 30 days:
context OrderProcessing
@Rule OrderPaid
? paidDate > placedDate + 30 end
-> k.setPaysLate(true)
Suppose a company has a customer and a product. The following shows an instance of the class Company:
rejected = Set{},
completed = Set{},
orders = Set{},
customers = Set{Customer[
paysLate = false,
name = C1]},
products = Set{Product[
amount = 100,
name = P1]}]
An order is received and is processed by business rule ReceiveOrder. The following shows how the company object is updated when the order is received:
rejected = Set{},
completed = Set{},
orders = Set{Order[
paid = 0,
delivered = 0,
placed = 0,
amount = 34,
product = P1,
customer = C1]},
customers = Set{Customer[
paysLate = false,
name = C1]},
products = Set{Product[
amount = 100,
name = P1]}]
The order is delivered at time 10. By rule CompleteOrder, the state is as follows:
rejected = Set{},
completed = Set{Order[
paid = 0,
delivered = 10,
placed = 0,
amount = 34,
product = P1,
customer = C1]},
orders = Set{},
customers = Set{Customer[
paysLate = false,
name = C1]},
products = Set{Product[
amount = 66,
name = P1]}]
Suppose the system is reset, and run again, but this time the payment is received at time 50. The delay in payment is greater than 30 days which is the business policy of the company,. Therefore, by rule OrderPaid the new state is:
rejected = Set{Order[
paid = 0,
delivered = 0,
placed = 0,
amount = 20,
product = P1,
customer = C1]},
completed = Set{Order[
paid = 50,
delivered = 10,
placed = 0,
amount = 34,
product = P1,
customer = C1]},
orders = Set{},
customers = Set{Customer[
paysLate = true,
name = C1]},
products = Set{Product[
amount = 66,
name = P1]}]

Business Rules Implementation

Rules Model

The first step in implementing the business rules engine describes in the previous section is to construct some syntax classes and a grammar that synthesizes the rules. Figure  shows the model of the business rules syntax. All the classes in the model inherit from XOCL::Syntax so that instances of the classes evaluate to themselves (i.e. there is no evaluation phase-shift). The class RuleBase is a name-space for rules; name-spaces are special and inherit from SyntaxNameSpace. Each rule is a named element and has a head and a body. Each element of the rule-head is a pattern: either an object pattern or a predicate pattern. An object pattern references a type by giving its absolute path as a sequence of strings. An object pattern has an id that names an oject that matches the pattern. Each slot of an object pattern has a name and an atomic value; the atomic value is either a variable or a constant.

A predicate pattern is an expression. The free variables of the predicate are encoded as arguments of the expression. This makes it easy to supply the values of the free variables to the expression when it is evaluated. The body of a rule is also an expression.

The rest of this section describes the grammar that translates from concrete rule-base syntax to instances of the rule-base classes described above.

A rule-base is a name-space and as such contains a collection of sub-expressions each of which are added to the rule-base:
@Grammar extends OCL::OCL.grammar
RuleBase ::= name = Name rules = Exp* 'end' {
rules->iterate(r rb = RuleBase(name) | rb.add(r))
The syntax for rules is defined separately from that of rule-bases. A rule is defined in isolation and is then added to the rule-base either as part of the rule-base definition or via a context definition. The grammar definition for Rule is straightforward except for the use of XOCL::Exp to encode the predicate patterns and the rule-bodies. Note how the FV operation of Performable is used to calcuate the free variables referenced in an expression and set them as the arguments of the operation that implements the expression:
@Grammar extends OCL::OCL.grammar
Rule ::=
name = Name
patterns = RulePattern* '->' exp = Exp 'end' {
RulePattern ::=
| PredPattern.
PredPattern ::= '?' exp = Exp 'end' {
ObjPattern ::=
type = PType '[' id = Name slots = (',' Slot)* ']' {
PType ::= n = Name ns = ('::' Name)* { Seq{n | ns} }.
Slot ::= name = Name '=' a = SlotValue { Slot(name,a) }.
SlotValue ::=
n = Name { Var(n) }
| s = Str { Const(s) }
| i = Int { Const(i) }
| 'true' { Const(true) }
| 'false' { Const(false) }.

Rete Networks

Rete Network

A naive implementation of business rules would use an engine that applies all business rules to all business data each time an event occurs. Unfortunately, the performance of such an engine would not be acceptable. Each rule typically involves matching and combining multiple data elements. Each head pattern may contain multiple object patterns. Each object pattern may match many different data elements and a rule will become enabled for each combination of matching elements. As the numbers of data elements increase, the number of combinations that cause a rule to become enabled rises dramatically. If all combinations must be checked and re-checked for each change in the business data then the performance of rule matching will quickly become unacceptable.

The Rete Network matching algorithm was developed to address this problem. It caches partial rule matches so that when a business event occurs, only rule matching activities involving the changed data are necessary. No matching involving unchanged data needs to take place. This leads to a rule matching engine that can accommodate very large number of rules and business data.

To see how the matching algorithm works, consider a simple rule:
@Rule Example
? v > w end
-> e
The example rule matches any number of C1 and C2 instances such that c2.s2 = c1.s1 and where c1.s1 > c2.s3. Rete proceeds as follows: all new instances of C1 match the first pattern and are stored in the rule memory. All new instance of C2 match the second pattern (ignoring the s2 consistency issue), these are also stored in the rule memory. The two parts of the rule memory are referred to as left and right (C1 and C2 instances).

As soon as a change occurs that leads to elements in both left and right memories, the rule then matches the most recent entry with all elements in the other memory. If a c1 is added to the left memory then it is compared with element elements in the right memory; if a c2 is added to the right memory then it is compared to all elements in the left memory. Comparison checks for slot consistency: c2.s2 = c1.s1. For each pair that passes the consistency test, the algorithm contines with the match.

Combined pairs of C1 and C2 instances are then filtered by the predicate pattern v > w where v is a slot from the left-memory element and w is from the right-memory element. If the predicate is astified then the pair passes through and, since there is nothing left to check , the rule is enabled. An enabled rule is added to the conflict set. If there is a non-empty conflict set then a rule is selected (using a suitable choice algorithm) and its body is performed with respect to the pair of C1 and C2 instances.

The structure of a Rete Network for Example is given in figure . A new or changed data element is supplied to the network root node. The root node feeds the element to test nodes that check the type of the element. In the case of Example, the types are C1 and C2 respectively. If the type checks pass then the elements are passed on to alpha-nodes that check the internal consistency of the data and bind any variables. In the case of Example, C1 requires a single alpha-node to match s1, C2 requires two alpha nodes to match s2 and s3.

Alpha nodes then feed into the left and right memories of a beta-node. A beta-node is responsible for pairing up matching data from the left and right and performing inter-data checks. Once the beta-nodes are satisfied they pass the data on to inter-element predicate nodes and then on to nodes that fire rules into the conflict set.

Rules may have more patterns than Example given above. In this case, for each object pattern pairing, the rule will have a pair of left and right memories to store matching elements. The rest of this section describes an executable model for Rete Networks.


Figure  shows the model for a Rete Network. A network consists of a collection of type checking nodes and a collection of enabled rules. The rest of the network consists of nodes of different types, all of which have 0 or more children.

Alpha nodes are either binding nodes or slot checking nodes. Predicate and action nodes use expressions to represent executable predicates and rule bodies respectively. Beta nodes have a left and right memory.

Tokens contain data elements to be matched by the network. A token is either a single element of data (TokenLeaf) together with an environment that binds rule variables with slot values, or a combination of two tokens (TokenPair). The idea is that a leaf is initially added to the network; each time the token is combined via a beta-node, the tokens from the left and right memories are conmbined to become token pairs. After several combinations, a rule is fired into the conflict set together with a tree of tokens.
context Network
@Operation add(value)
@For node in nodes do
context TypeCheck
@Operation add(token,network)
@For node in children do
context SlotCheck
@Operation add(token,parent,network)
if andthen = value
@For node in children do
context BindVar
@Operation add(token,parent,network)
@For node in children do
context Beta
@Operation add(token,parent when parent = leftParent,network)
@For rightToken in right do
let token = token + rightToken
in if token.consistent()
@For node in children do
context Predicate
@Operation add(token,parent,network)
let args = exp.args->collect(a | self.lookup(a,token))
in if exp.op.invoke(network,args)
then super(token,parent,network)
context Action
@Operation add(token,parent,network)

Rule Compilation

Rules are compiled into a network by translating each of the head patterns into sequences of alpha nodes and then combining the patterns using beta-nodes. Compilation of a rule-base is supplied with a network. The compiler updates the network with all the rules:
context RuleBase
@Operation compile(network)
@For rule in self.contentsOf(Rule) do
A rule consists of a head and a body. The head consists of a sequence of patterns; each pattern may be an object pattern or a predicate pattern. The object patterns are compiled first. Each object pattern is of the form C[s1,s2,...,sn] where C is a classifier and each si is a slot. An object pattern is compiled into a sequence of nodes that test properties of tokens that are added to the network. The nodes must check that the token has an object of type C and then must check each of the slots of the token. Each slot must match each of the slots si in turn: of the slot requires a variable to be bound then the token is extended with a binding for the variable. if the slot requires the object to have a particular slot value then the token is checked, if the token's object does not have the required slot value then the token is discarded.

If a rule head contains a sequence of object patterns then they are compiled and the resulting sequences of nodes are combined pair-wise using beta-nodes. The beta-nodes merge the tokens that match the two object patterns. Beta-nodes are also responsible for checking the consistency of bindings for repeated variable occurrences.

Finally, after each of the object patterns have been added to the network and merged using beta-nodes, the predicate patterns are compiled. Each predicate pattern produces a node that is supplied with a token. If the predicate is satisfied by the data and environment in the token then the token is passed on otherwise it is discarded:
context Rule
@Operation compile(network)
let oPatterns = head->select(p | p.isKindOf(ObjPattern));
pPatterns = head->select(p | p.isKindOf(PredPattern))
in pPatterns->iterate(p node = self.compilePatterns(oPatterns,network) |
let newNode = p.compile()
in node.addToChildren(newNode);
context Rule
@Operation compilePatterns(Seq{pattern},network)
context Rule
@Operation compilePatterns(Seq{pattern | patterns},network)
Nodes are joined together as follows:
context Node
@Operation join(node when node.isKindOf(Predicate))
context Node
@Operation join(node)
let beta = Beta(self,node)
in self.addToChildren(beta);
A predicate pattern is compiled to become a predicate node:
context PredPattern
@Operation compile()
An object pattern is compiled into a type checking node followed by a sequence of slot checking nodes:
context ObjPattern
@Operation compile(network)
context ObjPattern
@Operation compileSlots(Seq{},node)
context ObjPattern
@Operation compileSlots(Seq{slot | slots},node)
let newNode = slot.compile()
in node.addToChildren(newNode);
An object pattern requires that the type of the data in a token is checked. A TypeCheck node is added to the network. When a token is received by a type check node, the type of the token data is checked. If the type matches the required classifier then the token passes on otherwise it is discarded:
context Network
@Operation typeCheck(type,id)
when node.type() = type
let node = TypeCheck(type,id)
in self.addToNodes(node);
Slots are compiled to become nodes that bind variable or check the values in slots:
context Slot
@Operation compile()
context Var
@Operation compile(slot)
context Const
@Operation compile(slot)
The following rule-base:
@RuleBase Test
@Rule r1
? v > 10 end
is compiled by Test.compile(Network()) to produce the following network:
conflictSet = Seq{},
nodes =
type = Seq{D},
id = d,
children =
slot = slot3,
var = v,
children =
left = Set{},
right = Set{},
leftParent = #(5)=SlotCheck[
slot = slot2,
value = 100,
children = Set{#(4)}],
rightParent = #(3),
children =
exp = [| v > 10 |],
children =
exp =
[| e |],
children = Set{}]}]}]}]}],
type = Seq{C},
id = c,
children = Set{BindVar[
slot = slot1,
var = v,
children = Set{#(5)}]}]}]

Network Execution

Once compiled, the network is used to implement the rules. When an object is created it is added to the network. The state of the object is recorded in the network in order to maximise the speed of multipl object matching. When an object changes, the object is removed from the network and then re-introduced. This section describes how the network executes in terms of adding and removing objects.

Objects are added to a network as tokens. The token allows the engine to manage the object along with any variable bindings that have been associated with it during the match:
@Class Token isabstract 
@Operation add(other:Token):Token
@Operation consistent()
// Repeated use of variables have the same values...
self.env()->forAll(b1 |
self.env()->forAll(b2 |
b1->head = b2->head implies b1->tail = b2->tail))
@AbstractOp env():Seq(Element)
@AbstractOp lookup(name:String)
// Look up the supplied variable name
When an object is introduced to the network, a leaf-token is created to contain and manage it. The class LeafToken is a sub-class of Token that uses an environment to lookup the supplied variable name. Two tokens are merged on the output of a beta-node. Two tokens are merged to produce a single token as an instance of TokenPair which is a sub-class of Token and just contains two component token instances. The token-pair implements lookup by delegating to the two component tokens.

An object is added to the network as follows:
context Network
@Operation add(value)
 @For node in nodes do
In general, a node just passes a token on to its children:
context Node
@Operation add(token,parent,network)
@For node in children do
One of the first inodes in a network is a type-check node that filters out objects by type:
context TypeCheck
@Operation add(token,network)
@For node in children do
Once an object has been determined to be of the required type it must pass all the alpha-node checks before joining beta-memories and possibly firing rules into the conflict set. Each rule may involve slot-checks:
context SlotCheck
@Operation add(token,parent,network)
if andthen = value
@For node in children do
If the rule specifies that the slot value is just a variable then the following node is used to bind the variable:
context BindVar
@Operation add(token,parent,network)
@For node in children do
A predicate node is used to check an arbitrary boolean expression using the values of varaibles that have been bound at that point in the match:
context Predicate
@Operation add(token,parent,network)
let args = exp.args->collect(a | self.lookup(a,token))
in if exp.op.invoke(network,args)
then super(token,parent,network)
That concludes the alpha-nodes. Next we must deal with the inter-clause and inter-rule matching. This is handles by beta-nodes. The behaviour of a beta-nodes when a token is added depends on whether the token arrives form the left or the right. This is tested by defining two 'add' operations in BetaNode that use guards on the operation arguments comparing the supplied parent with the left and right parent of the node:
context BetaNode
@Operation add(token,parent when parent = leftParent,network)
@For rightToken in right do
let token = token + rightToken
in if token.consistent()
@For node in children do
context BetaNode
@Operation add(token,parent when parent = rightParent,network)
@For leftToken in left do
let token = leftToken + token
in if token.consistent()
@For node in children do
If a token ever reaches an action node then it has enabled a rule and the rule is added to the conflict set of the network:
context Action
@Operation add(token,parent,network)
The network implements a remove operation that performs the same function as add defined above, except that the tokens are removed from the beta-memories when they arrive at beta-nodes and also removed from the conflict set of the rule becomes enabled.

Monitoring Classes

In order to complete the implementation of business rules we require that newly created objects are added to the network and when the object's state is updated, they are removed and then re-inserted into the network. To do this automatically we implement a new-meta-class that manages instances appropriately:
import Daemon;

context Root

@Class MonitoredClass extends Class

// Classes whose instances are to be monitored by a
// rule-based that has been compiled into a network
// should be instances of the meta-class MonitoredClass.

@Bind daemon =

// The following daemon is added to all new instances
// of monitored classes. The daemon ensures that all
// changes to the object cause the network to be
// informed via add and remove...


// Each monitored-class must specify which network is
// to be used for its instances...

@Attribute network : Network (?,!) end

@Operation add(element)

// The network for a monitored-class can be
// specified in the definition of the class
// and added to the class via this operation...

Network do := element
else super(element)

@Operation invoke(this,args)

// By defining an invoke operation we hi-jack the
// class instantiation process for a monitored-class.
// The new instance is created in the usual way but
// the daemon is added to the object before it is returned
// and the new object is added to the network...

let newObj = super(this,args)
in newObj.addDaemon(MonitoredClass::daemon);